Engaging local communities to boost the blue economy in the Mediterranean is the main goal of the ENSAMBLE project. Coordinated by the Italian FLAG “Costa degli Etruschi” for the Tuscany Region, the project partnership involves an innovative French cooperative based in the Mediterranean (Petra Patrimonia Corsica), an Italian environmental Association (Legambiente Toscana) and a Tunisian […]
‘Regions in Recovery’ e-Festival: three sessions curated by LDnet on ‘Recovery through Community-led Approaches’
The first LDnet session on 3 June 2021 addressed new local development opportunities and challenges. The session started with examples of how local communities in different types of areas (rural, coastal and urban) have been able to respond to the challenges and opportunities of the COVID crisis and what lessons can be drawn for public […]
Towards a Brussels Citizens’ Assembly
“En Question” is the quarterly journal of “Centre Avec“, an association located in Brussels aiming at promoting the common good and citizen engagement. The journal addresses ecology, democracy and interculturality with a view to encouraging action for social justice. In its June 2021 issue, the journal reviews challenges facing democracy and ways to overcome them. […]
‘Recovery through community-led approaches’ – The recording and main points of the concluding webinar of 29 April 2021
The concluding webinar in the LDnet series on ‘Recovery through community-led approaches’ was held on the 29th April 2021. Participants in the previous webinars were invited to join this final session to discuss cross-cutting themes and draw lessons. Questions included: how can community-based solutions be spread more effectively? How can communities work at transnational level […]
‘New exclusions: How communities are combating digital, food and health exclusions’ – The recording and main points from the webinar of 22 April 2021
The third webinar of the LDnet series ‘Recovery through community-led approaches’ dealt with “New exclusions: How communities are combating digital, food and health exclusions”. It was organised in partnership with AEIDL (the European Association for the Information on Local Development), and was attended by some 50 participants. The recording of the webinar is available HERE […]
‘Communities in circles: new forms of development’ – The recording and main points from the webinar of 15 April 2021
The second webinar of the series “Recovery through community-led approaches” focused on “Communities in circles: new forms of development”. It was organised by LDnet in partnership with AEIDL (the European Association for the Information on Local Development). It was organised with the support of AEIDL and FARNET and contributions from URBACT projects, and attended by […]
‘New opportunities and challenges for local development in a post-Covid world’ – The recording and main points from the webinar of 8 April 2021
The first webinar of the LDnet series on “Recovery through community-led approaches” focused on “New opportunities and challenges for local development in a post-Covid world”. It was organised with the support of ELARD and FARNET, and attended by some 70 participants. The recording of the webinar is available HERE. As Urszula Budzich-Tabor reminded in her […]
LDnet webinars 2021 – ‘Recovery through community-led approaches’
“Recovery through community-led approaches” – 8, 15, 22 & 29 April 2021 What can communities do to spur the recovery from Covid-19? How can local action complement governmental and EU actions? Is engaging local actors the way forward to a more sustainable future? Following positive feedback from participants in LDnet’s 2020 series of webinars, LDnet […]
‘Underground4value’ Training School at University of Murcia: Call for applications and participation grants
The COST Action CA18110 – Underground Built Heritage as catalyser for Community Valorisation has confirmed the new date for its second training school as 20-24 September 2021 and has issued a Call for Applications. The Training School will be will be held in Murcia and will be managed by the University of Murcia. It will offer […]
URBACT Transfer Guide – Social Participative Model using Volunteerism
The network “Volunteering Cities” has decided to develop this Transfer Guide with the objective of giving support to other cities that need/wish to re-visit their Social Policy Governance Model in order to set-up: Co-creation policy making, and Action Plans design processes by incorporating the Volunteers directly and more intensively in these processes. The advantage of […]
CLLD comparisons: ESI funding available to LAGs in different countries
How does the average ESI funding per Local Action Group (LAG) compare by Member State? This analysis is part of the CLLD in Europe initiative of LDnet, comprising CLLD country profiles and horizontal analyses (see here). We have seen that the EAFRD is the dominant ESI Fund in most EU Member States (see here), but also that […]
Call for innovation and research projects supporting capacity building for urban transformations
The ERA-NET Cofund Urban Transformation Capacities (ENUTC) has published on 29 January 2021 a call welcoming a broad range of research and innovation projects that enable capacity building for urban transformations. The call applies a two-step application process, in which the first step involves the submission of a pre-proposal outline (deadline 15 April 2021) and […]