LDnet is entering a new phase in its work. We reconstituted ourselves in 2010 building on the success of the LEDA network which had been running for more than two decades. Since then we have been the only non-profit association committed to spreading the word that local development is the real deal. Local development is the best way to pursue sustainable development and without engagement of local communities, both through civil society … Continue Reading
Events & activities
Territorial development for the green transition: Harnessing the potential of rural communities (19 September 2024)
This Policy Action Lab, organised by the Rural Pact Support Office, will explore key opportunities for rural communities to benefit from the green transition and enhance their territorial development tools. Building on the European Commision report ‘The long-term vision for the EU’s rural areas: key … Continue Reading
Territorial peer reviews in non-urban areas
The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission and the Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO have announced an open call for applications for the 2024 territorial peer review on integrated development strategies in non-urban areas (i.e. ITI, CLLD or other type of territorial tools) … Continue Reading
Debate: EU budget and place-based policies
The COTER Commission of the EU Committee of the Regions (CoR) is preparing a new draft Opinion on EU budget and place-based policies: proposals for new design and delivery mechanisms for the MFF post 2027 . It is seeking to define principles whereby the present complexity and overlaps among EU funds and … Continue Reading
Paving the Way to the Pact of the Future
SDSN Portugal, in collaboration with SDSN, and under the auspices of the President of the Portuguese Republic, is organizing the international conference entitled “Paving the Way to the Pact of the Future” took place on 17 and 18 June, 2024 in Lisbon, Portugal. The hybrid conference addressed selected themes … Continue Reading
JRC Webinar Series – Future of Cities
This series focuses on The Future of Cities report which identifies challenges influencing the future of cities in Europe and beyond. It also presents several perspectives from which to look at resolving these issues. It is an initiative of the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the science and knowledge service of … Continue Reading
Euracademy: Responsible Food Production and Consumption for a Sustainable Future, 16-20.6.2024, Greece
The 22nd Summer Academy of Euracademy will take place near Rafina in Attica, Greece, from 16 to 20 June 2024. The theme of the Academy is one of the closest to the heart of everyone, namely “Responsible Food Production and Consumption for a Sustainable Future” or what makes “Good Food” for us all. For … Continue Reading
Insights into LEADER evaluations
Evaluating LEADER under CAP presents a substantial challenge. It is not just about measuring LEADER’s contribution to the CAP’s Specific Objectives, but also uncovering the added value generated from the application of the ‘LEADER method’. To help find a path forward, the European Evaluation Helpdesk for … Continue reading
How Social Enterprises can Combine Social and Economic Goals
A quarter century of experience with local community-based participatory approach in Quebec province (Canada). This initiative started about 25 years ago. In small towns, with 500 to 1000 population, there is no grocery store, no gas pump, no post office, etc. A solidarity coop, which is a multistakeholder … Continue reading
Artificial Intelligence, Collective Intelligence and Local Development
The knowledge of AI in relation to governance is at its infancy but there are signs that it could be of relevance and interest to participative approaches to local development and this makes it worth exploring it. We provide below some hints drawn from a growing pool of insights and examples of specific … Continue reading
LEADER and multi-funded CLLD
The EU CAP Network has published a highlights report of its workshop on LEADER and multi-funded CLLD which was held in Ljubljana 18-19 October 2023. The workshop provided the opportunity to exchange experiences and the main challenges for the implementation of multi-funded CLLD at the Managing Authority … Continue reading
The localisation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
LocalSDGs is one of JRC projects the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the SDGs. The LocalSDGs recognises that many of the actions needed to achieve the SDGs at the global scale have to be undertaken locally and provides support and guidance to local administrators and stakeholders for localising … Continue reading
Assessing the Added Value of LEADER
On 23 and 24 November 2023, some 60 evaluators, representatives from managing and paying authorities, LEADER networks and LAG managers met at the Kirchberg in Luxembourg city, at the invitation of the European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP and the Ministry of Agriculture, Viticulture and Rural Development … Continue reading
25 years of LEADER: What impacts?
The Austrian LAG Styrian Volcanic Land (Steirisches Vulkanland) wanted to know what its local development efforts stretching over a quarter of a century have been ultimately good for. This groundbreaking impact study was entrusted to an ÖAR team assisted by students from the Vienna University [1] Robert … Continue reading
Social innovation in rural areas
Rural areas depend on a wide range of economic engines for growth, as well as the quality of place to attract and retain people. Social innovation seeks new answers to social and environmental problems, using new solutions that improve the quality of life for individuals and communities. Social innovation can … Continue reading
Use of ‘factors of success’ in evaluation
According to Article 1 of the European Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/1475 "When evaluating their CAP Strategic Plans, Member States shall define evaluation questions and factors of success to assess the evaluation criteria of effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence and Union added value … Continue reading
Just transition and the contribution of social economy
This report is a pledge made as an answer to the call for pledges published by the European Commission as part of the transition pathway on proximity and social economy. The involves a pledge led by “Le Labo de l’ESS” in France, in partnership with “Pour la Solidarité” in Belgium, the European Network of … Continue reading
Expert report: Delivering high quality CLLD in urban areas
LDnet was engaged by the European Urban Initiative (EUI) to prepare and deliver a capacity building event focused on CLLD which took place in Timisoara (Romania) in June 2023. It was organised by EUI with help from LDnet, with a team of moderators, expert in CLLD and EU urban initiatives. Community … Continue reading
Towards innovative, inclusive and creative hubs in European cities
Three Horizon 2020 projects, CENTRINNO, HUB-IN and T-FACTOR, have released a policy report titled 'Towards innovative, inclusive and creative hubs in European cities'. The report builds on the operational experience of the three projects in 23 pilot areas across the EU and aims to provide guidance in the … Continue reading
Theories, tools and practical examples to decode rural community resilience
One-day showcase training offers insights into the REBOUND accredited course on fostering resilience in rural communities. The REBOUND project, supported by the EU through ERASMUS+ programme, developed and piloted an accredited (15 ECTS) training and capacity-building programme on rural community … Continue reading
Rural/urban: Laying bare the controversy
In this paper, published in Geographia Polonica, Mirek Dymitrow of the University of Gothenburg examines the "rural/urban controversy". Abstract Concepts are the basic building blocks of all knowledge, while the strength of any societal project is dependent on the quality of those concepts. As two of … Continue reading
Social Innovation: The Promise and the Reality in Marginalised Rural Areas in Europe
This paper by Bill Slee, Robert Lukesch and Elisa Ravazzoli explores the idea of social innovation as both a conceptual and practical means of delivering positive social, economic and environmental outcomes in marginal rural areas. Definitions are critically appraised, and the dual contemporary origins of the … Continue reading
Social capital and short food supply chains: Evidence from Fisheries LAGs
New empirical research by Richard Freeman, Jeremy Phillipson, Matthew Gorton, Barbara Tocco uses a new methodological approach for understanding the wider impacts of CLLD and how it can be transferred to different contexts. It is presented in an article titled "Social capital and short food supply chains: … Continue reading