On 6 June 2019, LDnet organised a special session at the annual conference of the RSA in Santiago de Compostela on the topic of “Strengthening the impact of research on EU local development policies”. The LDnet workshop presented the opportunities and challenges of involving the research community in designing and analysing EU local development policies, […]
LDnet events & activities
Updated LEADER toolkit
An updated version of the LEADER toolkit, now available on the ENRD website, provides information for both local actors and Managing Authorities. The toolkit serves as a guidebook for beginners and a reference source and checklist for more advanced users in the 2014-2020 programming period, containing the most recent updates in guidance and changes to […]
Internships with LDnet
There are opportunities for internships with LDnet for people with studies or interests related to local development. We have offered such internships, jointly with other Brussels-based organisations, in the last two years with students from French and German universities. We expect to be able to offer one or two internships in 2019. We follow a […]
RELOCAL project: early findings
Early findings from the RELOCAL EU Horizon 2020 research project ‘Resituating the local in cohesion and territorial development’: R E L O C A L in brief: Departs from the premise that “place” can precondition the chances of local action in promoting fairness and well-being; Aims at identifying factors that favour local accessibility of European […]
LEADER in the witness box: Hearing in the European Parliament
On 22 November 2018, the AGRI Committee, together with the CONT (Budgetary Control) Committee of the European Parliament held a Public Hearing on LEADER experiences – lessons learned and effectiveness of EU funds for rural development. The aim was to evaluate how the LEADER programme had worked over the past, what its added value was […]
Local strategies for retaining and attracting talent
The workshop on “Local development strategies: retaining and attracting talents in the regions” took place on Thursday 11 October 2018 in the framework of the European Week of Regions and Cities. Organised by LDnet as lead-partner, in cooperation with ELARD, CIM Alto Minho and AEIDL, it offered a forum for the presentation of concrete experiences […]
Fernando Barreiro (1949-2018)
We are very saddened at the news of the death of Fernando Barreiro, a long-standing friend and colleague in the field of local development, one of the founders of LDnet and member of its board. Fernando was born in Uruguay, moved to Spain in the 1970s as a refugee during the time of the Uruguayan […]
The Lisbon declaration on social innovation
In this declaration the Social Innovation Community calls on the EU to build on the world-leading practices established over the last decade and make social innovation a core part of its strategy to achieve a “social triple A” for Europe. The Social Innovation Community has identified key priorities that Europe should address. Tackling these priorities […]
LDnet at RSA Conference in Lugano: the debate on the interaction between research, policy and practice in local development
The RSA Annual Conference 2018 took place in Lugano, Switzerland from 3rd to 6th June on the theme of “A World of Flows: Labour Mobility, Capital and Knowledge in an Age of Global Reversal and Regional Revival”. As part of the Conference, “Policy Tuesday” on 5th June focused on issues and inputs concerned with place-based […]
Building stronger links between researchers and practitioners
The general assembly of the LEDA Partenariat – Local Development Network association took place at on 10 October 2018 in Brussels in the offices of AEIDL at 260 Chaussée Saint-Pierre, 1040 Brussels. Among the topics discussed at the assembly was the strengthening links between practitioners and researchers. LDnet’s activities in the last year have much […]
European Commission proposals for CLLD after 2020
The avalanche of proposals for the 2021-2017 period is continuing. On 29.05.2018 the European Commission published its proposal for a new Common Provisions Regulation [COM(2018) 375 final] which confirms the continuation of CLLD although uncertainties remain – and we’ll return with a critical review. Title III, Chapter II of the new CPR deals with Territorial […]
GDPR and LDnet
As new data protection regulations come into effect in the European Union, we’re taking the opportunity to explain that the only data kept by LDnet is email addresses used to mail monthly news (and any other data users of this website may have entered when registering). We do not share any data with any third […]