This new book by ARC2020 and Forum Synergies – Rural Europe Takes Action – offers incisive and inclusive proposals for political and practical rural action to address the ongoing challenges of the transition towards a more resilient agriculture, a circular economy, a more inclusive rural infrastructure and so on, and new challenges arising from the […]
COP26: Social innovation and just transition to climate neutrality
How social innovation contributes to just transitions to climate neutrality A side event at the COP 26 in Glasgow, organised on 10.11.2021 by the James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen, Scotland/UK The James Hutton Institute, UK, lead partner of the HORIZON 2020 research project SIMRA (Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas), seized the opportunity to emphasize the […]
CLLD in Europe: country profiles & EU-wide analyses
This LDnet initiative aims to present in a systematic and succinct way how local development is implemented in different EU member states, as explained in the introduction CLLD in Europe: An initiative of LDnet. We have now published 22 CLLD country profiles for Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Italy, […]
The ENSAMBLE project: Expertise and Networking to Sustain Actions in Med through Blue and Local Economy
Engaging local communities to boost the blue economy in the Mediterranean is the main goal of the ENSAMBLE project. Coordinated by the Italian FLAG “Costa degli Etruschi” for the Tuscany Region, the project partnership involves an innovative French cooperative based in the Mediterranean (Petra Patrimonia Corsica), an Italian environmental Association (Legambiente Toscana) and a Tunisian […]
Update: Implementing cohesion policy funds through multi-Fund CLLD
Community-led Local Development (CLLD) was introduced in the 2014-20 programme period and is based on the well-established LEADER tool. While LEADER is distinctly rural, co-funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), CLLD allows Member States to make use of up to four different ESI Funds: EAFRD, the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund […]
Towards a Brussels Citizens’ Assembly
“En Question” is the quarterly journal of “Centre Avec“, an association located in Brussels aiming at promoting the common good and citizen engagement. The journal addresses ecology, democracy and interculturality with a view to encouraging action for social justice. In its June 2021 issue, the journal reviews challenges facing democracy and ways to overcome them. […]
URBACT Transfer Guide – Social Participative Model using Volunteerism
The network “Volunteering Cities” has decided to develop this Transfer Guide with the objective of giving support to other cities that need/wish to re-visit their Social Policy Governance Model in order to set-up: Co-creation policy making, and Action Plans design processes by incorporating the Volunteers directly and more intensively in these processes. The advantage of […]
CLLD comparisons: ESI funding available to LAGs in different countries
How does the average ESI funding per Local Action Group (LAG) compare by Member State? This analysis is part of the CLLD in Europe initiative of LDnet, comprising CLLD country profiles and horizontal analyses (see here). We have seen that the EAFRD is the dominant ESI Fund in most EU Member States (see here), but also that […]
Local responses to the COVID-19 crisis: A new briefing on lessons for rural development
Several organisations have been collecting and publishing local initiatives in response to the Covid-19 crisis. We have updated our overview and are offering below the links to a number of these initiatives (see sections 1 and 2). We have also conducted a number of discussions in June/July 2020 through the webinar series ‘Rebuilding local economies […]
CLLD comparisons: ESI funding dedicated to CLLD in different countries
What share of ESI funding did Member States dedicate to CLLD in 2014-20 and how does this differ by Fund? This analysis is part of the CLLD in Europe initiative of LDnet, comprising CLLD country profiles and horizontal analyses (see here). CLLD continues to be dominated by the EAFRD, which contributes three quarters of the […]
Territorial Approaches for Sustainable Development
Perspectives and approaches that put territories at the centre of development have returned to become important in international debate and policy to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Among the reasons for the renewed emphasis is the need to improve the effectiveness of sectoral approaches, to localise sustainable development, to better manage myriad and […]
Building back better from COVID-19 through inclusive territorial approaches
GIZ has published this discussion paper in which the authors, Thomas Forster and Florence Egal, argue that from diverse experiences of countries and that of local and regional governments1, it is evident that the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has a number of territorial dimensions that need to be better understood for more effective responses. They stress […]