Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) is an Initiative of the European Commission that provides urban areas throughout Europe with resources to test new and unproven solutions to address urban challenges. Based on Article 8 of ERDF, the Initiative has a total ERDF budget of EUR 372 million for 2014-2020. The UIA supports local authority led projects […]
Forging a Good Local Society
A new report Forging a Good Local Society: Tackling Poverty through a Local Economic Reset, makes the case for tackling poverty locally. Written by Neil McInroy and published by the Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES), the report notes that local identities and innovation are increasingly viewed as an antidote to remote and detached national […]
LDnet at EWRC 2016
LDnet’s workshop in this year’s European Week of Regions and Cities on ‘Achieving social inclusion in CLLD in the context of the results-orientation of the ESI Funds’ took place on Wednesday 12 October from 9:00 to 10:45 at the Committee of the Regions (Workshop Ref 12B76 ). It was very well attended and focused on the […]
Food sovereignty and urban-rural integration
LDnet is pleased to present this paper by Robert Lukesch on the theme of food sovereignty and urban rural linkages. Robert suggested this theme and developed the content for the LDnet Open Days (OD) 2015 workshop hosted by DG Regio and the Committee of the Region. As in other years, the LDnet workshop included input […]
The RegGov project: final report
RegGov: Regional Governance of Sustainable Integrated Development of DeprivedUrban Areas Integrated approaches to the development of deprived urban neighbourhoods have proved to be successful in many of the old EU Member states over the last decades. However, good practice examples of how to develop, implement and fund such policies are rarely known at awider European […]
Notable practice in regeneration
Six case study examples of ‘holistic’ regeneration from the United Kingdom and Europe. For each of the six case studies, reports on the priorities of the programme, partnership working, management arrangements, outputs and outcomes, and the projects completed or underway. Bradford Trident New Deal for Communities; Castle Vale renewal (Birmingham); Manor and Castle regeneration (Sheffield); […]
URBACT stories
URBACT is a European exchange, learning and action programme with a large site full of project material from over 45 projects each of which lasts for either 2 or 3 years. you can see the main site at They also have URBACT YOUTUBE channel(cache) Results from the first round of approximately 25 projects have been […]
Glossary from urban study
Aim: Broad intention or overarching objective, usually to bring about positive change. Beneficiary: an operator, body or firm, whether public or private, responsible for initiating or initiating and implementing operations. In the context of aid schemes under Article 87 of the Treaty, beneficiaries are public or private firms carrying out an individual project and receiving […]
Bibliography on local development
ADE, (2009) “Ex post evaluation of cohesion policy programmes 2000-2006 cofinanced by the European Fund for Regional Development (Objectives 1 and 2) – Work package 5b: Environment and Climate Change”, June 2009, http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/sources/docgener/evaluation/pdf/expost2006/wp5b_ first_interim_report.pdf Abrahmson and Fombrum, (1994) “Macro culture: Determinants and Consequences”, Academy of Management Review, 19, 728–755. Abrahmson and Rosenkopf, (1993) “Institutional and […]
Bibliography on urban regeneration and social sustainability
Colantonio, A. and Dixon, T. (eds) (2010) Bibliography, in Urban Regeneration & Social Sustainability: Best Practice from European Cities, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. doi: 0.1002/9781444329445.biblio Chapter 1 APUDG (2009) Regeneration and the Recession. All Party Urban Development Group, London. Barton, H., Grant, M. & Guise, R. (2003) Shaping Neighbourhoods: A Guide for Health, Sustainability and Vitality. […]
Bibliography on urban development
In urban areas, following the emergence of pockets of high unemployment and poverty, urban decay and riots, the local approach was focussed on the analysis of distressed neighbourhoods and on policy responses based on regeneration and revitalisation. These areas have been the subject of surveys, databases of deprivation statistics (e.g. the UK’s Index of multiple […]
Obama Administration Launches Strong Cities, Strong Communities to Support Local Development
In July 2011, the Obama Administration launched Strong Cities, Strong Communities (SC2), a new and customized pilot initiative to strengthen local capacity and spark economic growth in local communities while ensuring taxpayer dollars are used wisely and efficiently. To accomplish this, federal agencies will provide experienced staff to work directly with six cities: Chester, PA; […]