Registration is now open for this LDnet webinar: HERE This webinar will follow up on the theme of participative approaches to local development and is titled “Empowering Local Communities for Smart and Sustainable Cultural Heritage: Bridging Expertise, Digital Change, and Partnerships”. It will take place online on Wednesday 26 March 2025 at 17:00 CET. This webinar […]
LDnet Webinar (21.1.2025)- “Citizen participation: From Sherry Arnstein’s ladder to Co-everything” (21.1.2025) – Summary, presentations, recording
This was the first in a new 2025 series of LDnet webinars. It took place online on 21 January 2025 with three main speakers – Peter Ramsden, Marijana Sumpor, Giuseppe Pace – and 45 active participants. Like all LDnet webinars it was free and open to practitioners, researchers and policy administrators. Urszula Budzich-Tabor, LDnet and […]
LDnet General Assembly & the debate on “Capacity building for local development”- Key messages & full recording
The General Assembly of LDnet took place online on 14 February 2023. As in previous years, it was open to LDnet members, friends and contributors. The full recording is available HERE. Key points from the presentations and discussions are summarised below. Capacity building for Community Led Local Development Its main theme was devoted to […]
The 40th anniversary of OECD’s ILE/LEED programme: Lessons for the future
This document was written by Ron Gass for the 40th Anniversary of the Local Employment Initiatives Programme (ILE) and the Local Employment and Economic Development Programme (LEED). The anniversary was celebrated at the OECD Local Development Forum held in Cork, Ireland on 15th-17th June 2022. Mr Gass was OECD’s Director of Social Affairs, Manpower and […]
‘Regions in Recovery’ e-Festival: three sessions curated by LDnet on ‘Recovery through Community-led Approaches’
The first LDnet session on 3 June 2021 addressed new local development opportunities and challenges. The session started with examples of how local communities in different types of areas (rural, coastal and urban) have been able to respond to the challenges and opportunities of the COVID crisis and what lessons can be drawn for public […]
LDnet’s ‘discuss and debate’ session at the RSA conference in Ljubljana
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic this event has been cancelled. The next RSA Annual Conference will be in Florence, 25-28 May 2021. Then, the 2022 Annual Conference will be in Ljubljana. Elena Pisani and Stefan Kah LDnet are joining Urszula Budzich-Tabor and Robert Lukesch as speakers at the ‘discuss and debate’ session that LDnet is […]
LDnet 2020: State of Play in Local Development and much more …
Following on from our general assembly, we are going ahead with a number of new initiatives. We are planning a workshop on Social innovation and local development: linking urban and rural approaches. It will take place in 20 February 2020 in Brussels, on the conclusion of the SIMRA conference. Peter Ramsden will lead from the […]
The agripolitan city, the cosmopolitan village
“La ciudad agropolitana. La aldea cosmopolita” (The agripolitan city, the cosmopolitan village) is a new book by Jaime Izquierdo Vallina who has written extensively on urban-rural issues, nature conservation, and new perspectives for approaching rural areas. In his prologue to the book, Yves Champetier has highlighted that over the years, Jaime Izquierdo Vallina has deepened […]
Local strategies for retaining and attracting talent
The workshop on “Local development strategies: retaining and attracting talents in the regions” took place on Thursday 11 October 2018 in the framework of the European Week of Regions and Cities. Organised by LDnet as lead-partner, in cooperation with ELARD, CIM Alto Minho and AEIDL, it offered a forum for the presentation of concrete experiences […]
LDnet at RSA Conference in Lugano: the debate on the interaction between research, policy and practice in local development
The RSA Annual Conference 2018 took place in Lugano, Switzerland from 3rd to 6th June on the theme of “A World of Flows: Labour Mobility, Capital and Knowledge in an Age of Global Reversal and Regional Revival”. As part of the Conference, “Policy Tuesday” on 5th June focused on issues and inputs concerned with place-based […]
Concept of locality: RELOCAL
RELOCAL is a research project funded under the Horizon 2020 programme, ‘Resituating the Local in Cohesion and Territorial Development’. It is a 4 years project involving 13 partners, coordinated by the university of eastern Finland and covering 12 countries, mainly in the Northern and Eastern parts of the EU. Its budget amounts to €4.9 million. […]
Conference on “Using social innovation policy approaches to help cities and regions realise the potential of the European Pillar of Social Rights”
This Monday April 16th 2018, a networking conference was organised at the Committee of the Regions on the initiative of the REVES Network, the Social Innovation Community and the University of Bologna. The event aimed to reflect on “Using social innovation policy approaches to help cities and regions realise the potential of the European Pillar […]