“La ciudad agropolitana. La aldea cosmopolita” (The agripolitan city, the cosmopolitan village) is a new book by Jaime Izquierdo Vallina who has written extensively on urban-rural issues, nature conservation, and new perspectives for approaching rural areas. In his prologue to the book, Yves Champetier has highlighted that over the years, Jaime Izquierdo Vallina has deepened […]
Resilient Villages: “Vibrant rural communities are not afraid to take risks”
In his current research, LDnet board member, Alistair Adam-Hernández examines why some rural communities are able to adapt to change better than others. During the European Rural Sociology Conference 2019, “Rural Futures in a Complex World” in Trondheim (NO), an international group of social scientists discussed how this concept could enable rural communities to harness […]
Leadership in place-based development
“The role of leadership in place-based development and building institutional arrangements” is a paper by L. G. Horlings, D. Roep and W. Wellbrock published in Local Economy, the journal of the Local Economic Policy Unit. In various case studies across Europe the vital role of rural place leadership in enabling a place-based approach to local […]
Social innovation, CLLD and the future of rural development
The debate on the future of EU policies and budgets post-2020 is hotting up. A new policy brief from SIMRA, makes a contribution in the context of the European Commission’s Communication on the Common Agricultural Policy post-2020, “The Future of Food and Farming”. The policy brief stresses that social innovation is a powerful manifestation of […]
Conference on “financing the integrated development of rural areas”
On March 19th, 2018, the Commission for Natural Resources (NAT) of the European Committee of the Regions and the Rurality-Environment-Development network (RED) organised their fourth public meeting to discuss rural development post 2020, focusing this time on “financing the integrated development of rural areas”. During this session, participants discussed the necessity of a European interfund for […]
CLLD experiences and ‘hot’ questions for the future
There are many challenges facing the implementation of CLLD and the multi-fund approach. A recent seminar European Seminar on CLLD took place on 8-10 November 2017 in Győr, Hungary, focusing on capitalising and learning from experiences of applying CLLD in rural, urban and coastal areas. Participants also discussed how to use European programmes and funds […]
European Rural Parliament and the “Venhorst Declaration”
The 3rd European Rural Parliament took place on 18-21 October 2017 in Venhorst in the Netherlands. The European Rural Parliament is a long-term campaign to express the voice of rural people in Europe; and to promote self-help and action by the rural people, in partnership with civil society and governments. During these four days, around […]
3rd European Rural Parliament
The European Rural Parliament is a long-term campaign to express the voice of rural people in Europe; and to promote self-help and action by the rural people, in partnership with civil society and governments. The 3rd European Rural Parliament will take place on October 18-21 October 2017 in Venhorst in the Netherlands. Parliamentary Sessions will […]
16th Summer Academy – “Resilient communities: pillars of sustainable rural development”
The Euracademy Association and the South and East Cork Area Development Partnership organise the 16th Summer Academy entitled “Resilient communities: pillars of sustainable rural development”. The Summer Academy this year will be held in Cork, Ireland, and the surrounding area, from 3rd to 8th September 2017. The theme: How can rural communities become more resilient […]
Resilience and its Core Principles – The key to Sustainable Rural Development?
Learning to Shape Change actively in European Rural Areas Since the late 1990s the use of the term resilience has experienced a bonanza (Bürkner, 2010; Vogt, 2015). It is now ubiquitous in European cohesion and regional policy and is often used in a transdisciplinary manner (Lukesch, 2015). In the meantime it has risen to become […]
ELARD events in 2017
The European LEADER Association for Rural Development (ELARD) is an international non-profit making association set up to improve the quality of life in rural areas and to maintain their population through sustainable, integrated local development. ELARD supports its members (national LEADER networks) directly in their efforts to carry out innovative work in the field of […]
The challenge of achieving social inclusion in CLLD in the context of the results orientation of the ESI Funds
A short report on LDnet’s workshop at EWRC 2016 (12 October 2016, Brussels) LDnet’s workshop on ‘Achieving social inclusion in CLLD in the context of the results orientation of the ESI Funds’ focused on challenges of a results-oriented approach combined with the pursuit of social inclusion, especially in the context of Community-Led Local Development (CLLD). […]