Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) can be applied in four European Structural and Investment Funds: the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund (ESF), the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF). However, only in the EAFRD the use of CLLD – under the LEADER measure […]
New CLLD publications by FARNET
Two new FARNET publications are of general interest to CLLD. ‘Starting CLLD implementation in practice’ presents examples of applying CLLD under the different ESI Funds and shows different methods of integrating the EU Funds at the local level. ‘Results-oriented CLLD in fisheries areas’ offers six factsheets, including real-life examples, designed to help FLAGs ensure better […]
Brexit: a shift towards a CLLD approach?
In a recent post in on the topic of UK policy towards agricultural land after Brexit, Professor Ian Hodge of the Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge argues in favour of ecosystem services policy with many features akin of a CLLD approach, as in the following quotation: “There would be greater and longer […]
Network support for CLLD in urban areas?
For local communities to succeed in implementing CLLD it is very important that they have access to networking support – capacity building, guidance, opportunities for exchange with other communities facing similar issues… Implementation of CLLD under the rural and fisheries funds is supported by networks at EU and national levels. What about communities implementing CLLD […]
Court of Auditors report on LEADER
The European Court of Auditors produced a report on the LEADER Special Report No 5/2010 — Implementation of the Leader approach for rural development EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I. Leader is a method to achieve the objectives of the EU’s rural development policy through bottom-up implementation rather than the traditional top-down approach. Compared with traditional methods of […]
Bibliography on local development
ADE, (2009) “Ex post evaluation of cohesion policy programmes 2000-2006 cofinanced by the European Fund for Regional Development (Objectives 1 and 2) – Work package 5b: Environment and Climate Change”, June 2009, first_interim_report.pdf Abrahmson and Fombrum, (1994) “Macro culture: Determinants and Consequences”, Academy of Management Review, 19, 728–755. Abrahmson and Rosenkopf, (1993) “Institutional and […]
Bibliography on endogenous development
endogenous development Endogenous development This theory or approach has been based on a critique of 50s and 60s regional development theories and policies which produced unsatisfactory and unbalanced results in relation to expectations and to financial resources allocated by national governments. These ‘traditional regional policies’ emphasized the key role of mobility of capital and labour […]
Bibliography from World Bank LED primer
LED Conceptual Framework Bingham, Richard D. and Robert Mier, Eds. (1993). Theories of Local Economic Development: Perspectives From Across the Disciplines. Sage Publications, CA. Blair, John P. (1996). Local Economic Development: Analysis and Practice. Sage Publications, Inc. Canzanelli, Giancarlo. (2001). Overview and Lessons Learnt on Local Economic Development, Human Development, and Decent Work. ILO Universitas […]
Factsheet on CLLD (Community-led Local Development)
All guidelines Community-led Local Development (CLLD) Integrated sustainable urban development
Community-led local development: making it a success
This statement has been prepared by a group of LDnet experts and is supported by several European civil society organisations and networks with a long experience and deep knowledge of local development for their consideration and endorsement. Community-led local development: making it a success In this common statement, a number of European civil society […]
CLLD challenges: the urban, the social and the dinosaurs…
Haris Martinos Introduction The debate on local development and the preparations for “CLLD” (Community-led Local Development) in the 2014-2020 period moved forward with two workshops that took place in the week of 7 October 2013 in Brussels. The first workshop(cache) was organised by DG REGIO to discuss the draft guidelines on CLLD, which are being […]
CLLD first appeared in EU speak in the common provisions regulation. It builds on LEADER type approaches that have also been pursued in the Fisheries programmes since 2007 and supported under the FARNET programme. Within the Structural Funds, the Community economic development approach was rolled out in UK Objective 1 and 2 programmes between 1994 […]