The LEDA, Local Employment Development Action programme, was an EU funded action research programme. It operated from 1986 to 1996. LEDA supported different types of local areas (rural/underdeveloped, urban/industrial decline) to develop their own responses to employment and economic development challenges, by providing international and (through small grants) local expertise and animation support, and by promoting the exchange […]
Community entrepreneurship for local development
Toby Johnson Senior adviser on community economic development, AEIDL March 2012 Entrepreneurship means taking a risk, using one’s initiative, and it has a production element, involving the creation of a new product or service which is sold on the market. But you do not have to follow the ‘cowboy’ model of the entrepreneur, which implies […]
Council Conclusions Adopted Between 1993 and 1999
1993 At the Brussels summit on 10 and 11 December 1993, the heads of State and government endorsed the conclusions and recommendations of the White Paper. They included “‘developing employment in connection with meeting new requirements linked to the quality of life and protection of the environment”‘ in the list of measures to be undertaken […]
Challenges for Local Development in Italy
Fiscal consolidation and structural reform – Regional / local disparities – Fiscal decentralisation and fiscal consolidation measures – Regional / local development initiatives. Fiscal consolidation and structural reform According to the new economic governance in the European Union (EU), Italy prepared its 2011 Stability Programme (for the period 2011 – 2014) and its 2011 […]
The Local Development Ebook: Table of Contents
OVERVIEW LEARNING FROM THE PAST AND PRESENT Historical Review of LD Recent research studies LD Theoretical perspectives Lessons from LD in Practice Urban development and local development THE FUTURE OF LD: EU DEBATES LD in Ireland LD in Italy LD in Spain LD in France LD OUTSIDE THE EU LD in North America LD in […]
Local Development, LDnet and the Ebook: An Overview
The Local Development Ebook has many innovative aspects, ranging from its all-encompassing look at local development to its method of development and production: What we understand by “local development” and the “local development approach”? – The “European Model” – Working definition and scope of LD – LDnet and the aims of the e-book – The […]
Historical review of LD
This paper presents the emergence of local development in the 1980’s and its subsequent evolution, building on recent studies, especially the DG REGIO / ADETEF study of 2010: The 1980’s and 1990’s, the years of exploration, discovery of local endogenous potential and subsequent proliferaton of LD programmes – The 2000’s with sectoralised programmes and a […]
LD Recent Research Studies
This paper opens with an outline of key points from the ADETEF study , which in 2010 revisited local development and the local development approach, and brought together lessons from some 25 years of experience in Europe. It goes on to present several other studies which were subsequently completed and are of direct relevance to […]
LD Theoretical Perspectives
The large body of recent literature demonstrates the importance of the local dimension as a key issue in development strategies. This paper does not seek to offer a comprehensive overview of different theoretical perspectives on local development but adopts a systems and complexity approach in order to contribute to the on-going debate about the functional […]
Lessons from LD in Practice
This paper considers how local development works in practice, by looking into EU programmes supporting the Leader approach in rural and maritime areas. In the case of rural development it broadly covers the 2000-2006 and 2007-2013 programming periods. In the case of fisheries areas, the relevant experiences relate to the current programming period, 2007-2013. Urszula […]
Urban development and Local Development
This paper considers urban development and the way programmes and initiatives, notably under EU cohesion and regional policies, have evolved to address ‘the urban question’: The ‘urban question’ and the emergence of an integrated approach – Urban Dimension in Cohesion Policy; the URBAN initiatives – Local development in urban regeneration; a case study of Merseyside […]
LD in Ireland: From innovation to stagnation … but what next in times of crisis?
This paper reviews the experience of local development in Ireland. It describes the origins and evolution of local development and its “institutionalisation” and mainstreaming in public policy and describes and reviews recent changes. It identifies conclusions and lessons from experiences of local development, current issues and future challenges: State Support for Local Development in Ireland […]