The Commission and the EESC have jointly launched the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform, following the Circular Economy Stakeholder Conference held in Brussels on 9-10 March 2017. The European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform will be a “network of networks” going beyond sectorial activities and highlighting cross-sector opportunities and challenges. The Platform will be a hub […]
Bibliography on circular economy
European Commission 2017, REPORT FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, THE COUNCIL, THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE AND THE COMMITTEE OF THE REGIONS, Brussels, Belgium, URL: European Commission, Towards a circular economy, URL: Ellen MacArthur, Circular economy overview – The concept of circular economy, Isle of Wight, United Kingdom, URL: […]
Migrant and refugee integration in rural Europe
This new ENRD Projects Brochure – ‘Migrant and Refugee Integration’ – explores how people in rural areas have used EAFRD support to respond to the challenges and opportunities presented by the recent influx of migrants and refugees into the European Union. A number of projects from different countries are presented under the themes of ‘Changing […]
Agritorino is an initiative, launched in Turin in 2012, promoted by various local voluntary associations: Sermig, Cottolengo, Congregazione Salesiana, Padri Somaschi, Permicro Banca di microcredito e Piazza dei Mestieri. The project aims to combine support to family incomes, sustainable agriculture and vocational training, by entrusting young unemployed people to cultivate lands that had been left […]
Brexit: a shift towards a CLLD approach?
In a recent post in on the topic of UK policy towards agricultural land after Brexit, Professor Ian Hodge of the Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge argues in favour of ecosystem services policy with many features akin of a CLLD approach, as in the following quotation: “There would be greater and longer […]
Cameron’s Big Society
Peter Ramsden What does UK Prime Minister Cameron’s “Big Society” mean in practice? On the left it is argued that the Big Society is simply a smokescreen for cuts in the public sector in general and local government in particular. on the right the Red Tory’s like Philip Blond – director of new Think Tank […]
FAO handbook for training in participatory local development
Handbook for training in participatory local development The Panchayati Raj model in India S.P. Jain & Wim Polman Second edition
URBACT stories
URBACT is a European exchange, learning and action programme with a large site full of project material from over 45 projects each of which lasts for either 2 or 3 years. you can see the main site at They also have URBACT YOUTUBE channel(cache) Results from the first round of approximately 25 projects have been […]
Notable practice in regeneration
Six case study examples of ‘holistic’ regeneration from the United Kingdom and Europe. For each of the six case studies, reports on the priorities of the programme, partnership working, management arrangements, outputs and outcomes, and the projects completed or underway. Bradford Trident New Deal for Communities; Castle Vale renewal (Birmingham); Manor and Castle regeneration (Sheffield); […]
The RegGov project: final report
RegGov: Regional Governance of Sustainable Integrated Development of DeprivedUrban Areas Integrated approaches to the development of deprived urban neighbourhoods have proved to be successful in many of the old EU Member states over the last decades. However, good practice examples of how to develop, implement and fund such policies are rarely known at awider European […]
ESF Actions to promote Local Employment Initiatives: country review Spain
In Spain, the devolution of powers for employment and social inclusion was completed during the past ESF programming period (it was completed by 2002). LEIs developed under the umbrella and in close relationship with place-based delivery mechanisms supported by other funds such as PRODER in rural areas, or regeneration policies in deprived urban areas. In […]
ESF Actions to promote Local Employment Initiatives: country review United Kingdom
This report focuses on the UK and its four constituent programmes for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (NI). The four national programmes in the UK operate independently of each other. Although there is a rich heritage in terms of local development and LEIs in the UK, there is no explicit mention of them in […]