“The role of leadership in place-based development and building institutional arrangements” is a paper by L. G. Horlings, D. Roep and W. Wellbrock published in Local Economy, the journal of the Local Economic Policy Unit. In various case studies across Europe the vital role of rural place leadership in enabling a place-based approach to local […]
LD Books & Studies
Social innovation and territorial development
In his contribution to the International Seminar Social Innovation in Public Policies in Brasilia, on 7 and 8 March 2018, Robert Lukesch discusses the essence of social innovation at the micro level and highlights the importance of governance (“the very notion of social innovation requires an institutional environment which is at least not punishing deviating […]
Towards an inclusive and sustainable CLLD: lessons from neighbourhood management in Berlin
CLLD is more often associated with a rural or fisheries context. In this paper by Pietro Verga deals with ‘urban CLLD’, which builds on experiences, particularly, from the URBAN Initiatives and the LEADER programme. His research is based in Berlin and is within the policy context of the German Soziale Stadt programme (Socially Integrative City, […]
The Emergence of Social Innovation: A Translocal Perspective
This paper is an output of TRANSIT, an international research project that develops a theory of Transformative Social Innovation that is useful to both research and practice. TRANSIT is co-funded by the European Commission and runs for four years, from 2014 until 2017. The paper investigates how spaces and places play a role in the […]
Forging a Good Local Society
A new report Forging a Good Local Society: Tackling Poverty through a Local Economic Reset, makes the case for tackling poverty locally. Written by Neil McInroy and published by the Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES), the report notes that local identities and innovation are increasingly viewed as an antidote to remote and detached national […]
Brexit: a shift towards a CLLD approach?
In a recent post in capreform.eu on the topic of UK policy towards agricultural land after Brexit, Professor Ian Hodge of the Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge argues in favour of ecosystem services policy with many features akin of a CLLD approach, as in the following quotation: “There would be greater and longer […]
ESF Actions to promote Local Employment Initiatives: final synthesis report
European Social Fund Actions to promote Local Employment Initiatives: final synthesis report (February 2011) Within its technical assistance to the European Social Fund’s strands on Transnational Cooperation and Innovation, DG EMPL assigned AEIDL to examine how Local Employment Initiatives have been supported by ESF over the last ten years. A synthesis report was the final […]
ESF Actions to promote Local Employment Initiatives: country review Spain
In Spain, the devolution of powers for employment and social inclusion was completed during the past ESF programming period (it was completed by 2002). LEIs developed under the umbrella and in close relationship with place-based delivery mechanisms supported by other funds such as PRODER in rural areas, or regeneration policies in deprived urban areas. In […]
ESF Actions to promote Local Employment Initiatives: country review United Kingdom
This report focuses on the UK and its four constituent programmes for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (NI). The four national programmes in the UK operate independently of each other. Although there is a rich heritage in terms of local development and LEIs in the UK, there is no explicit mention of them in […]
ESF Actions to promote Local Employment Initiatives: country review Germany
Since 2000, in all 26 German OPs, programmes and measures can be found, that address the local level in terms of employment, social cohesion and lifelong learning. For the previous period (2000-2006) mainly programmes which were based on the “Local Social Capital”-approach and local employment strategies, emerging from the TEP (“Territorial Employment Pacts”) initiative of […]
ESF Actions to promote Local Employment Initiatives: country review France
The tradition of a centralized employment policy in France did not favour a structured and consistent development of Local Initiatives in this field. The ESF intervention is “nationally driven”, reflecting this determining role of the State, despite a much regionalised delivery mechanism. Therefore, ESF support is concentrated in a single national Operational Programme (OP): Objective […]
ESF Actions to promote Local Employment Initiatives Sweden (Stockholm): the LIVSVAL project
European Social Fund Actions to promote Local Employment Initiatives Sweden (Stockholm): the LIVSVAL project Livsval (‘Life Choice’) is an example of an ESF ‘co-operation project’ managed by a partnership among state, local and third sector organisations in the Stockholm area. It runs for three years (2009-11) and is developing a model of integrated rehabilitation (MIRA) […]