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Archives for September 2016
Social Innovation programme replaces Progress
Background The EU PROGRESS programme supports and disseminates comparative analytical information in the field of employment, facilitates information sharing and dialogue, provides policy makers and implementers with financial support, to test social and labour market policy reforms. It also supports the implementation of the EU legislation in the field of employment, social policy and working […]
LDnet | New Regulations for EU funds
The new draft regulations can be found at this page .
LDnet | New EU urban policy
What has changed in the policy for urban development? The proposals highlight the important contribution of cities to Europe’s growth and employment. The objective is to focus on sustainable urban development, with the Commission proposing that each Member State earmark a minimum 5% of its ERDF allocation to “integrated actions”. These actions would combine investment […]
LEDA Programme
The LEDA Local Employment Development Action programme was an EU funded action learning programme in the 1980s and 1990s. Started in 1986 involving 12 areas, it expanded to a Europe-wide network of 45 local areas by the tme of its completion in 1996. The programme had a focus on local employment actions with the idea […]
LDnet | European Council Conclusions relating to LD
COUNCIL CONCLUSIONS ADOPTED BETWEEN 1993 AND 1999 At the Brussels summit on 10 and 11 December 1993, the heads of State and government endorsed the conclusions and recommendations of the White Paper. They included “‘developing employment in connection with meeting new requirements linked to the quality of life and protection of the environment”‘ in the […]
LDnet | ESF
| ESF ESF stands for the European Social Fund, one of the two Structural Funds that the EU deploys. from wikipedia The European Social Fund (ESF) is the European Union’s main financial instrument for supporting employment in the Member States as well as promoting economic and social cohesion. ESF spending amounts to around 10% of […]
Court of Auditors report on LEADER
The European Court of Auditors produced a report on the LEADER Special Report No 5/2010 — Implementation of the Leader approach for rural development EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I. Leader is a method to achieve the objectives of the EU’s rural development policy through bottom-up implementation rather than the traditional top-down approach. Compared with traditional methods of […]
LDnet | Poverty IV
Poverty IV was an intended successor to the Poverty 1, 2 and 3 programmes, but was scuppered by Germany and UK. It later emerged as Integra Created by Peter Ramsden . Last Modification: Sunday 19 of August, 2012 14:37:08 BST by Peter Ramsden . (Version 1) History
LEADER The local development programme for rural areas. LEADER is a European Commission initiative to support the development of rural areas across the European Union (EU). First introduced in 1991, it is designed to complement other rural development programmes. There have been three ‘rounds’ of LEADER as a programme in its own right: LEADER I […]
| ELISE ELISE European Information Exchange Network on Local Employment Initiatives. Organisation set up and funded in 1985 to share practice on local employment initiatives. No websites seem to be surviving Please add any references from this organisation
| EGLEI European Group for Local Employment Initiatives Now defunct please add any references