ADE, (2009) “Ex post evaluation of cohesion policy programmes 2000-2006 cofinanced by the European Fund for Regional Development (Objectives 1 and 2) – Work package 5b: Environment and Climate Change”, June 2009, first_interim_report.pdf Abrahmson and Fombrum, (1994) “Macro culture: Determinants and Consequences”, Academy of Management Review, 19, 728–755. Abrahmson and Rosenkopf, (1993) “Institutional and […]
Archives for September 2016
Bibliography on industrial districts and clusters
From industrial districts to clusters. Discussions on ‘flexible specialisation’, on local embedness and networks of firms have produced a literature based on a large number of concepts such as industrial districts, local productive systems, innovative milieus and clusters, and more recently, on learning regions and interactive learning, innovation networks, regional and local innovative systems, technology […]
Bibliography on inclusion and integration
R.Meir 1993 Social Justice and Local Development Policy.Sage Publications, Newbury Park. Peter Lloyd (with Richard Meegan, Bernadette O’Neil, Graham Haughton, Sophy Krajewska and Ivan Turok) 1996 Social and economic inclusion through regional development: the Community Economic Development priority in European Structural Funds programmes in Great Britain. DG REGIO Percy-Smith, J. and Sanderson, I., 1992. Understanding […]
Bibliography on governance and participative planning
Local government OECD 1985 The role of local government authorities in economic and employment development, OECD 1986 Employment creation policies: new roles for cities towns OECD .1999 Managing decentralisation, A new role for labour market policies OECD 2001 Cities for citizens, The role of metropolitan Governance ISEAT 2002 Experience from IR, UK and BE Wallonia, […]
Bibliography on financing LED
Bartik, T. (1995). Economic Development Incentive Wars. Employment Research, Spring 1995. W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research. This short paper and related references provides a sound basis from which to consider monitoring and evaluation of financial incentives. Darche, Benjamin. (1997). Financing Mechanisms at the Subnational Level in Emerging Markets: Borrowings and Privatisations/Concessions. Infrastructure Note […]
Bibliography on financial instruments and financial engineering
financial engineering Financial instruments and financial engineering CRIDEL 1994 Valeur ajoutée et ingénierie du développement local, CE, DG REGIO Sevilla seminar report March 1993; and relevant final evaluation reports OECD2003. Private finance and Economic development: City and Regional Investment Bartik, T. 1995 Economic Development Incentive Wars. Employment Research. Darche, Benjamin. 1997 Financing Mechanisms at the […]
Bibliography on endogenous development
endogenous development Endogenous development This theory or approach has been based on a critique of 50s and 60s regional development theories and policies which produced unsatisfactory and unbalanced results in relation to expectations and to financial resources allocated by national governments. These ‘traditional regional policies’ emphasized the key role of mobility of capital and labour […]
Bibliography from World Bank LED primer
LED Conceptual Framework Bingham, Richard D. and Robert Mier, Eds. (1993). Theories of Local Economic Development: Perspectives From Across the Disciplines. Sage Publications, CA. Blair, John P. (1996). Local Economic Development: Analysis and Practice. Sage Publications, Inc. Canzanelli, Giancarlo. (2001). Overview and Lessons Learnt on Local Economic Development, Human Development, and Decent Work. ILO Universitas […]
Bibliography from ADETEF study
ACORD International SA, Evaluation intermédiaire du PIC EQUAL entre 2000 et 2002 Luxembourg (2003) Amin A, « Le soutien au local au Royaume-Uni : entre recul politique et engagement solidaire » in L’innovation sociale – émergence et effets sur la transformation des sociétés, Klein JL et Harrisson D, Presses de l’université du Québec (2007) Bachtler J, Future of […]
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LDnet | AEIDL 25th Anniversary
“Reinventing Europe through local initiative” photo credit AEIDL More than 150 people – actors from the ‘field’, MEPs, academics, representatives of organizations and networks, and even ordinary citizens – participated in the conference “Reinventing Europe through local initiative” held in Brussels on 19-20 February 2014, the European Association for Information on Local Development (AEIDL) on […]
| AEIDL AEIDL the European Association for Information in Local Development is a key NGO working in the field of local development for more than 20 years. See more at