A new report Forging a Good Local Society: Tackling Poverty through a Local Economic Reset, makes the case for tackling poverty locally. Written by Neil McInroy and published by the Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES), the report notes that local identities and innovation are increasingly viewed as an antidote to remote and detached national […]
Archives for 2016
New LDnet site
We have created this new LDnet site for greater clarity and ease of navigation. It should also be easier for members and friends to contribute. To become a contributor go to the bottom of the right-hand side bar. We are now busy exporting the content of the old site and adding new content so the site is still ‘work in […]
LDnet at EWRC 2016
LDnet’s workshop in this year’s European Week of Regions and Cities on ‘Achieving social inclusion in CLLD in the context of the results-orientation of the ESI Funds’ took place on Wednesday 12 October from 9:00 to 10:45 at the Committee of the Regions (Workshop Ref 12B76 ). It was very well attended and focused on the […]
Food sovereignty and urban-rural integration
LDnet is pleased to present this paper by Robert Lukesch on the theme of food sovereignty and urban rural linkages. Robert suggested this theme and developed the content for the LDnet Open Days (OD) 2015 workshop hosted by DG Regio and the Committee of the Region. As in other years, the LDnet workshop included input […]
How are the EU Member States using CLLD
Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) can be applied in four European Structural and Investment Funds: the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund (ESF), the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF). However, only in the EAFRD the use of CLLD – under the LEADER measure […]
Migrant and refugee integration in rural Europe
This new ENRD Projects Brochure – ‘Migrant and Refugee Integration’ – explores how people in rural areas have used EAFRD support to respond to the challenges and opportunities presented by the recent influx of migrants and refugees into the European Union. A number of projects from different countries are presented under the themes of ‘Changing […]
New CLLD publications by FARNET
Two new FARNET publications are of general interest to CLLD. ‘Starting CLLD implementation in practice’ presents examples of applying CLLD under the different ESI Funds and shows different methods of integrating the EU Funds at the local level. ‘Results-oriented CLLD in fisheries areas’ offers six factsheets, including real-life examples, designed to help FLAGs ensure better […]
Agritorino is an initiative, launched in Turin in 2012, promoted by various local voluntary associations: Sermig, Cottolengo, Congregazione Salesiana, Padri Somaschi, Permicro Banca di microcredito e Piazza dei Mestieri. The project aims to combine support to family incomes, sustainable agriculture and vocational training, by entrusting young unemployed people to cultivate lands that had been left […]
Brexit: a shift towards a CLLD approach?
In a recent post in capreform.eu on the topic of UK policy towards agricultural land after Brexit, Professor Ian Hodge of the Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge argues in favour of ecosystem services policy with many features akin of a CLLD approach, as in the following quotation: “There would be greater and longer […]
Network support for CLLD in urban areas?
For local communities to succeed in implementing CLLD it is very important that they have access to networking support – capacity building, guidance, opportunities for exchange with other communities facing similar issues… Implementation of CLLD under the rural and fisheries funds is supported by networks at EU and national levels. What about communities implementing CLLD […]
Community entrepreneurship for local development
Toby Johnson Senior adviser on community economic development, AEIDL Entrepreneurship means taking a risk, using one’s initiative, and it has a production element, involving the creation of a new product or service which is sold on the market. But you do not have to follow the ‘cowboy’ model of the entrepreneur, which implies reliance on […]
| IDELE IDELE DG Employment research programme managed by ecorys produced a series of useful reports most of them written by Peter Lloyd and also Francesca Froy. They mostly date from 2004 IDELE thematic report series Old industrial and mining areas: the added value of local employment development (Seminar 1: Lille, France) http://www.uk.ecorys.com/idele/themes/oldindustrial/resources/idele_summary_report_oldindustrial.pdf The Metropolitan […]