LDnet is organising a series of events in the first half of 2025. They will offer an opportunity to practitioners, researchers and policy administrators to explore different aspects of participative approaches to local development (one of current priorities of LDnet – HERE) and the emerging challenges for CLLD arising from the reform of the EU […]
Post-2027 EU funding for local development under threat
The debate has started about the next MFF of the EU. Although there are no formally proposals in the public domain, informal briefings have raised concerns about the possible implications of a new MFF archtecture for the local and regional level. These concerns stem mostly from two features highlighted in two recent news items: The […]
Debate: EU budget and place-based policies
The COTER Commission of the EU Committee of the Regions (CoR) is preparing a new draft Opinion on EU budget and place-based policies: proposals for new design and delivery mechanisms for the MFF post 2027 . It is seeking to define principles whereby the present complexity and overlaps among EU funds and instruments having a territorial […]
Conference on “financing the integrated development of rural areas”
On March 19th, 2018, the Commission for Natural Resources (NAT) of the European Committee of the Regions and the Rurality-Environment-Development network (RED) organised their fourth public meeting to discuss rural development post 2020, focusing this time on “financing the integrated development of rural areas”. During this session, participants discussed the necessity of a European interfund for […]
Bibliography on financing LED
Bartik, T. (1995). Economic Development Incentive Wars. Employment Research, Spring 1995. W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research. This short paper and related references provides a sound basis from which to consider monitoring and evaluation of financial incentives. http://www.upjohninst.org/publications/newsletter/tjb_595.pdf Darche, Benjamin. (1997). Financing Mechanisms at the Subnational Level in Emerging Markets: Borrowings and Privatisations/Concessions. Infrastructure Note […]
Bibliography on financial instruments and financial engineering
financial engineering Financial instruments and financial engineering CRIDEL 1994 Valeur ajoutée et ingénierie du développement local, CE, DG REGIO Sevilla seminar report March 1993; and relevant final evaluation reports OECD2003. Private finance and Economic development: City and Regional Investment Bartik, T. 1995 Economic Development Incentive Wars. Employment Research. Darche, Benjamin. 1997 Financing Mechanisms at the […]