An overview of CLLD in Slovenia in the 2014-2020 period: local development approach, use of EU funds, number of LAGs, achievements so far, barriers encountered, national specificities | Main authors: Alina Cunk Perklič and Aleš Zidar, with contribution from Stefan Kah | November 2020
CLLD country profile: Sweden
An overview of CLLD in Sweden in the 2014-2020 period: local development approach, use of EU funds, number of LAGs, achievements so far, barriers encountered, national specificities | Main author: Urszula Budzich-Tabor | June 2020
Where does the EU share of CLLD funding come from?
The 2014-20 programme period introduced the option for Member States to support Local Action Groups (LAGs) from more than just EAFRD or EMFF, allowing to also use the Structural Funds ERDF and ESF. Yet, only 16 Member States decided to make the use of Structural Funds for CLLD possible. For more detail please see the […]
CLLD in Europe: An initiative of LDnet
Local development has different faces across the EU. Probably its most structured form is “Community-Led Local Development” (CLLD). It was implemented initially as the LEADER approach (developed within EU rural development funding since 1991), and the last decade it can be funded also from other EU Funds: maritime and fisheries, social and regional. Designed for […]
Territorial approaches – The potential of Community-led Local Development
The Interreg Annual Event 2020 was organised on 15-16 October in a digital format. The aim of the event was to review implementation of the Interreg Programme, share practice and experience between managing authorities and celebrate 30 years of Interreg. Among the parallel workshops on 16 October there was one focusing on “Territorial Europe”, in […]
“Which future do you want in rural areas?”
From May to August 2020, 3 436 people from 26 different countries answered the survey which was carried out by ELARD, the European association of LEADER groups, in cooperation with REDR, the Spanish rural development network. The aim of the survey was to find out what rural citizens and actors think of life in rural […]
‘Reinventing local shopping and hospitality’ – The recording and ‘take away’ points from the webinar of 18 June 2020
The webinars on Rebuilding local economies after lockdown kicked off on Thursday 18 June 2020. The 1st session was on Reinventing local shopping and hospitality and was attended by some 40 participants. The full programme, link to the recording of the session and some “take away” points are available below. Full recording of the webinar […]
‘New solidarity services’ – The recording and ‘take away’ points from the webinar of 25 June 2020
The second session of the Webinar series on Rebuilding local economies after lockdown focused on new solidarity services which have emerged during the Covid-19 crisis. Special focus was placed on how these services came to fruition, the issues they are addressing, and what their legacy will be as lockdown eases. The full programme, link to the […]
‘Stay at Home Vacations – Staycations’ – The recording from the webinar of 2 July 2020
The second session of the Webinar series on Rebuilding local economies after lockdown focused on the impact of Covid-19 on travel and holidays and the local economies. With more people having vacations within their own country there is both an opportunity and a threat for rural, coastal and mountain communities. The webinar explored local communities can […]
‘Worsening inequalities / social inclusion’ – The recording from the webinar of 9 July 2020
LDnet organised, in association with RSA Europe, AEIDL and ELARD, a series of four forward-looking webinars on Rebuilding local economies after lockdown, from 18 June to 9 July 2020. The final session was on Worsening inequalities / social inclusion (Thursday 9 July 2020) – click here for the recording of this session – access password: […]
LDnet lab on social innovation and local development: linking urban and rural approaches
This lab took take place on Thursday 20.2.2020 at Scotland House, Rond-point Robert Schuman 6, 1040 Brussels, after the SIMRA conference. It aimed to explore how local initiatives or local action groups working in the context of CLLD can act as a motor and platform for social innovation at grass roots level. There are many […]
LDnet’s ‘discuss and debate’ session at the RSA conference in Ljubljana
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic this event has been cancelled. The next RSA Annual Conference will be in Florence, 25-28 May 2021. Then, the 2022 Annual Conference will be in Ljubljana. Elena Pisani and Stefan Kah LDnet are joining Urszula Budzich-Tabor and Robert Lukesch as speakers at the ‘discuss and debate’ session that LDnet is […]