Vice-President LDnet
Email: peterramsden2 at
Company: Freiss Ltd Managing director
Birthday: 21 May
P. Ramsden 2005 Evaluation: The Phoenix Development Fund, SBS
Hedwig Siewertsen, Jan Evers, Sarah Forster, Martin Jung, Peter Ramsden, Whitni Thomas, Inge Heetfelt 2005 Policy measures to promote the use of micro credit, DG Employment and social affairs (forthcoming)
P. Ramsden 2003 First results from the Phoenix Development Fund, DTI
Ramsden P, and Potts, G Raymond P, and The Competitive Inner City 2002 New Economics Foundation
Westall A, Ramsden P., Foley J. 2000 Entrepreneurs: Creating enterprising communities NEF/IPPR
Ramsden P. Hackett K Sattar D and Guene C 2000 New financial instruments for growing the cultural sector, Banking on culture North West Arts Board
Ramsden P. 1999 Financial engineering in the Structural Funds, the new alchemy? In proceedings of Regional Studies Association conference of 1997.
Ramsden P. and Dabinett G. 1999 ‘Urban Policy in Sheffield: regeneration, partnerships and people’ Chapter 7 in Imrie R. and and Thomas, H (eds) British Urban Policy: an evaluation of the Urban Development Corporations second edition Sage Publications
CEC DGXVI January 1998 – December 1998 Thematic Evaluation of Research Technological Development and Innovation actions under Objective 2 of the Structural Funds Research by ADE, ZENIT and Enterprise plc
Lloyd P and Ramsden P 2000 ‘Local Enterprises in Enteprising Localities: Area Based Employment initiatives’. CEC DGXVI Regional development series
Ramsden P. and Perry I. 1994 The regional dimension and European cohesion in R&D. Chapter 6 in European Commission First European report on Science and Technology Indicators OFPEC
Ramsden P. and Dabinett G. 1993 ‘An Urban Policy for People: Lessons from Sheffield’ in Imrie, R. and Thomas, H. (eds) British Urban Policy and the Urban Development Corporations. Paul Chapman Publishing
P Lawless and P Ramsden (1990) Land Use Planning and the Inner Cities: the
case of the Lower Don Valley, Sheffield, Local Government Studies, Jan, Feb*
Ramsden P. and Lawless P. 1992 Managed Workspaces: aspects of evaluation. Local Government Studies 18, 2, pp75-97
P Lawless and P Ramsden (1990) Sheffield in the 1980s From Radical
Intervention to Partnership. In Cities, August
North West Development Agency 2001 The scope and potential of the Social Economy in the North West
East Midlands Development Agency 2001 the Scope and Potential of the Social Economy in the East Midlands
East Midlands Development Agency 2001 Economic Inclusion Framework for the East Midlands: Delivery Plan emda
East Midlands Development Agency 2000 Economic Inclusion Framework for the East Midlands: a headline strategy emda
North West Arts Board 1999-2000 Banking on Culture, reports on ‘Employment in Europe’ (with Keith Hackett)
Third System Financial Instruments for the Cultural Sector’ (with Danyal Sattar)
Ramsden P, Sattar D and Nichol J, 2000 Equal Credit Feasibility Report for the European Commission, Equal Credit Berlin
European Commission 1999 Thematic Evaluation of RTDI priorities in 86 Objective 2 programmes (ADE, Enterprise, Zenit).
Henneberry, J., Askham, P. Gardiner, C., Mackmin, D., Parsons, D., Ramsden, P., Antwi, A., 1993 The Sheffield Property Boom. Report for Joint Institute for Social Research (Sheffield)
Beatty, T, Gore, T, Ramsden, P. and Stillwell, J. 1993 Yorkshire and Humberside Census Study. Report for the Yorkshire and Humberside Regional Planning Conference and the DOE.
Ramsden, P. Crocker, S. and Vigar, G. 1993 Business Change in the Sheffield Development Corporation area. Research report for the Sheffield Development Corporation