Treasurer LDnet
Organisation: Estonian University of Life Sciences
Joanna is a senior lecturer and research coordinator in the chair of Landscape Architecture. She gained a Masters in Managing Sustainable Rural Development with a thesis that examined the conflict over wild boar management between rural stakeholders in Latvia where she now lives. Her PhD thesis gained in 2020 was titled “When peace and quiet is not enough: examining the challenges communities face in Estonian and Latvian rural landscapes”. She teaches Strategic Local Planning to masters students and the Bioeconomy to bachelors students. Joanna brings a strong interdisciplinary perspective to her work and has covered topics such as ecosystem services, health and well-being, citizen science and policy as well as place attachment and sense of place of rural communities.
Joanna also helps her husband on their alpaca farm and grows most of her own veg.
Recent Publications:
Leveraging Ecosystem Services and Well-Being in Urban Landscape Planning for Nature Conservation: A Case Study of Peri-Urban Dynamics
Authors: Nevzati, Fiona; Veldi, Martti; Storie, Joanna; Külvik, Mart
Conservation, 4 (1), 1−22. DOI: 10.3390/conservation4010001.
Post-Conflict Urban Landscape Storytelling: Two Approaches to Contemporary Virtual Visualisation of Oral Narratives
Authors: Alkhateeb, Ghieth; Storie, Joanna; Külvik, Mart
Land, 13 (4), 406. DOI: 10.3390/land13040406.
The Missing Links in Ecosystem Service Research
Authors: Kuhn, Tinka; Storie, Joanna; Håkansson, Cecilia; Suškevičs, Monika; Isacs, Lina; Oinonen, Soile; Trentlage, Jennifer;
Burkhard, Benjamin
In: Schubert, H., Müller, F. (Ed.). Southern Baltic Coastal Systems Analysis. (223−234). Springer, Cham. (Ecological Studies; 246). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-13682-5_21.
Literature syntheses to inform marine ecosystem management: lessons learned from stakeholder participation
Authors: Kuhn, Tinka; Vikström, Suvi; Suškevičs, Monika; Storie, Joanna T.; Saikkonen, Liisa; Rees, Rebecca; Håkansson, Cecilia;
Oinonen, Soile; Burkhard, Benjamin
Ecosystems and People, 19 (1). DOI: 10.1080/26395916.2023.2188970.
State of knowledge regarding how we can improve adherence to the Mitigation Hierarchy, with a particular focus on the avoid stage
Authors: Savilaakso, S.; Storie, J.; Caitana Da Silva, B.; Campagne C. S.; Depellegrin, D.; Geneletti, D.; Kagkalou, I.; Lacarac, D.;
Leucci, F.; Luque, S.; Scott, A.; Zahvoyska, L.
A report of the Eklipse Expert Working Group on the Mitigation hierarchy Eklipse. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7780894.
Assessment of Cultural Ecosystem Services and Well-Being: Testing a Method for Evaluating Natural Environment and Contact Types in the Harku Municipality, Estonia
Authors: Nevzati, F.; Külvik, M.; Storie, J.; Tiidu, L.-M.; Bell, S.
Sustainability (switzerland), 15 (13), ARTN 10214. DOI: 10.3390/su151310214.
Recent projects:
Living Lab coordinator for Maximising the CO-benefits of agricultural Digitalisation through conducive digital ECoSystems. Role to bring farmers, experts and drone operators together to improve or aid farmers in managing biodiverse grasslands.
Researcher in “Leveraging ENvironmental Citizen science Impact on environmental decisionmaking: systematic literature reVIew and Case Studies (EN-CIVICS)”. Role in examining and synthesising the literature on citizen science and policymaking.