It was followed by the presentation of the strategy for Alto Minho (Portugal) by José Maria Costa, CIM President, and Ana Paula Xavier, Technical Coordinator of the LAG ADRIMINHO.
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The Swedish case of the Landsbyggare project (Changing Perspectives: Attracting People to the Countryside) was presented by Urszula Budzich-Tabor, FARNET and LDnet Vice-President, on behalf of Marion Eckardt, Vice-President of ELARD, who was unable to join to the meeting.
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Kristiina Tammets, Vice-President of ELARD, presented the results of the Tartu County Youth Fund (Estonia) which has been running since 2010.
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Katalin Kolosy, AEIDL and LDnet board member, offered a broader perspective innovative methods for attracting talent and youth, including types of EU funding support available, and a series of points emerging from the specific experiences covered in previous presentations. [bsk-pdf-manager-pdf id=”41″]
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Open interaction with the audience followed, using SLI.DO, with live comments and questions from the floor, and responses from the speakers. This debate covered various related topics, such as remote working/mobile jobs, identity of the territory, territorial marketing, and targeted approaches.
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