LEADER has a long history and is still going strong. Robert Lukesch gave a talk in the final conference of the transnational project ‘LEADER/CLLD: Our common future’ on 4-6 November 2024, in Cheleiros/Mafra, Portugal, on the topic of ‘LEADER: Where it came from and what’s still in it’. This was based on a treatise in which he offers an exceptional account of the origins, evolution and prospects of LEADER from a personal perspetive. The paper has been updated (March 2025) following further contributions.
The link to the full paper (2nd edition, March 2025) is available below.
PART I: The Background of LEADER
Global political and economic shifts
- When the bipolar world order crumbled
- The neoliberal turn
- Globalisation under the neoliberal lodestar
- The countercurrent that sees the world as finite
- German unification and British sceptics
- A touch of Euro-optimism
The European Union in the making
- The origins of agricultural and structural policies
- The buildup of European institutions
- The institutionalization of Cohesion Policy
- Shifting targets for the Common Agricultural Policy
- The CAP transition to area-based payments
- The European Commission under Jacques Delors
- Bureaucracy asserts itself
The emergence of new approaches to local and regional development
- The apparent weaknesses of top down planning and investment concepts
- The call for an end to dependence
- The paradigm shift towards endogenous and place-based development approaches
- Local development as an emancipatory concept
- Scaling up: the shift towards place-based approaches in mainstream policies
PART II: The voyage of LEADER through time
The genesis of LEADER
- Prelude
- The DG V (Employment), the incubator of LEADER in the EC
- The OECD, a most significant source of advice
- The focus of LEADER precursors: local employment, education and training
- Towards integrated territorial development
- The time was ripe for LEADER
- LEADER arises: From the Community Initiative to the method
- From the ELISE network to the LEADER I Coordination Unit
- LEADER I, the radical institutional innovation
- LEADER II and the European LEADER II Observatory
- Deciphering the code: the LEADER method
- “800 Leader give their views”
- LEADER as a driver of innovation
- LEADER as an emancipatory approach
- The small, but significant reconfiguration of the LEADER specificities
The mainstreaming of LEADER
- LEADER+: A bumpy transition
- The institutionalisation of LEADER as CLLD
- The rural network grows, staffing for LEADER shrinks
- LEADER spreads out
- The LEADER community, spanning institutional and civil society networks
- Synthesis: overview of six phases of LEADER implementation
PART III: LEADER at the crossroads
Recent developments in European agricultural and rural policies
- Ambitious objectives, implementation delegated
- The journey continues
Turning the page: How can the lessons from the past nurture future prospects?
- Growing diversity, rising complexity
- Territorial inequalities, an underestimated evil
- Remarrying global challenges with place-based approaches
- Cultivate what has been achieved and venture the new
- Lessons to heed
- Scattered thoughts on the future of governance
- Laughing against the wind
Summary: Key proposals emanating from this treatise
This treatise has been written by Robert Lukesch in the framework of the transnational LEADER project “LEADER/CLLD: Our Common Future” (2023-2024) implemented by 13 partners and the Austrian LEADER forum as the lead partner.
For the full treatise click below
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