The Association of Cambodian Local Economic Development Agencies (ACLEDA) is an independent Cambodian non-government organization that promotes a range of LED programs and initiatives through provincial branches and district offices. ACLEDA supports training in entrepreneurship and small business management, the establishment of neighborhood and village banks, and technical consultancy and credit for medium size enterprises.
Association of Cambodian Local Economic Development Agencies
Bertelsmann Foundation
The Bertelsmann Foundation is a politically independent foundation guided by the principle that private enterprise can lead to a more humanitarian and sustainable society. It initiates projects in various areas, such as Economic and Social Affairs, International Relations, Education, Health, and Culture. From 1999 to 2004, the Bertelsmann Foundation and the World Bank jointly supported the Cities of Change initiative, an initiative that offers local municipalities in Eastern Europe a platform to develop new management concepts for local administration. The participating municipalities elaborated strategies in the fields of Local Economic Development or Environmental Policy and Solid Waste Management.
Cities Alliance
Cities Alliance was created to foster new tools, practical approaches and knowledge sharing to promote local economic development and a direct attack on urban poverty. Its activities support the implementation of the Habitat Agenda. It is a global alliance of cities and development partners that are committed to improving the living conditions of the urban poor.
Corporation for Enterprise Development
The Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED) promotes Asset-Building and economic opportunity strategies primarily in low-income and distressed communities, and seeks to bring together community practice, public policy and private markets in new and innovative ways. CFED’s Web site contains a wealth of information on economic and community development including resources on Enterprise Development, Individual Assets and Sustainable Economies. Department of Housing and Urban Development h
The mission of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is to ensure that communities are empowered with the resources to pursue economic and community development initiatives. HUD’s Office of Economic Development works with local governments, non-profit organizations and the private sector to achieve synergy. The HUD Web site provides information on a range of Programs including the Brownfields Economic Development Initiative, and Economic Development Publications.
Department of Local Government, South Africa
The South African Department of Local Government is a national government department that promotes sustainable development and supports provincial and local governments. The DLG Web site contains a range of resources including a LED Web site with a Department of Local Government LED Manual and Evaluation of Regeneration Strategies.
As a Federal department of the United States Government, the Economic Development Administration (EDA) provides grants for infrastructure development, local capacity building and business development to help distressed communities alleviate conditions of substantial and persistent unemployment and underemployment. The EDA Web site contains a range of LED resources including Research Reports on EDA-funded economic development research, Information on the practice of economic development, a Tools of the Trade section and information on the nature of economic development planning and Planning Examples.
Economic Developers Association of Canada
The Economic Developers Association of Canada (EDAC) is a national professional membership organization for local and state economic development practitioners. EDAC offers educational seminars, a national network for techniques, strategies and case studies and opportunities for federal, provincial and international networking. The Web provides a range of resources including information on LED Best Practices, Professional Development and Newsletters.
Environmental Protection Agency
In leading environmental science, research, education and assessment efforts in the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) develops and enforces regulations that implement environmental laws enacted by Congress. EPA is responsible for researching and setting national standards for a variety of environmental programs, and delegates to states and tribes the responsibility for issuing permits and for monitoring and enforcing compliance. EPA’s Web site contains an Economics Topic Page with links to information on Economic Revitalization and Brownfield Redevelopment.
Economic & Social Research Council CITIES Competitiveness and Cohesion Program
The United Kingdom Economic and Social Research Council with support from the U.K. Department of the Environment and others launched in 1997 a major research program on Cities. The “CITIES: Competitiveness and Cohesion” program consisted of four major integrated case studies of London, Bristol, Liverpool and Manchester, Glasgow, and Edinburgh, as well as around 20 other projects on key urban research topics. Key findings from the program are available on the CITIES Web site.
International Economic Development Council
The International Economic Development Council (IEDC) was created in 2001 following the merger of the Council for Urban Economic Development and the American Economic Development Council. As a membership association for economic development practitioners,IEDC provides information to its members that build local economies by means of tools that create, attract and retain jobs.
International Labor Organization
The objective of the International Labor Organization (ILO) is to “promote and realize standards, fundamental principles and rights at work.” To achieve this goal the ILO assists member states as well as employers’ and workers’ organizations in ratifying ILO Conventions and implementing international labor standards. The ILO is active in promoting Local Economic Development in various capacities and the Web site has a range of LED resources including LED Technical Cooperation and a range of downloadable LED Publications.
International Union of Local Authorities and Associations
The International Union of Local Authorities and Association Capacity Building Program (IULAACB) has existed at national and international levels since the early years of the 20th Century, making important contributions to development, decentralization and democratization. Their prime objective is to support and strengthen the capacity of their member local governments to meet the needs and expectations of their local communities.
Local Economic Development South Africa Best Practices Database
Created by the Cato Manor Development Project, Durban, and Rhodes University, Grahamstown, this Web site has been developed in response to the growing importance of locally based LED initiatives in South Africa’ cities, towns and villages. The site provides access to LED documents and a Local Development and Community Economic Development Practitioners’ Newsletter.
National League of Cities
The National League of Cities (NLC) provides a wide range of programs and services to strengthen the ability of city officials to serve their communities. Many of NLC’s programs are supported by NLC membership revenues and are made available to city officials at no cost. The site contains information on the NLC’s Workforce Development for Poverty Reduction Project and highlights the key findings of NLC’s Urban Poverty, Economic Development and Cities Project.
National Congress for Community Economic Development
The National Congress for Community Economic Development (NCCED) is the trade association and advocate for the community-based development industry. NCCED represents over 3,600 community development corporations (CDCs) across the United States. CDCs seek to provide affordable housing and create jobs through business and commercial development activities. NCCED serves the community development industry through public policy research and education, special projects, newsletters, publications, trainings, conferences and specialized technical assistance.
Open Society Institute By Soros Foundation Network
The Open Society Institute (OSI) promotes the development of open societies around the world by supporting an array of activities dealing with economic, educational, social, legal and health care reform issues. OSI is a private operating and grant-making foundation that provides administrative, financial, and technical support. The DELTA program, a joint program of the World Bank and Open Society Institute, supports municipalities in Kosovo to design and implement local economic development strategies to create an enabling environment for small and medium sized enterprises. The OSI Web site details a range of OSI initiatives in economic development.
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Club Du Sahel
Club du Sahel was formed 1976 as an active forum for the Sahelian states belonging to the Permanent Inter-State Committee for the Prevention of Drought in the Sahel. The ECOLOC program, a joint initiative of the Municipal Development Program and Club du Sahel, aims to revive local economies in West Africa. The ECOLOC Handbook provides information on, and case studies of, LED in West Africa.
Partnership on Local Economic Development
Partnership on Local Economic Development (PARUL) is a joint project between the government of Indonesia, the UNDP and UNCHS. PARUL’s objectives are to promote a more balanced pattern of urban and rural development; to promote Local Economic Development of selected regions, and to raise incomes and create productive employment opportunities for poor households in less developed regions.
REGEN.NET is the website for regeneration and renewal a Haymarket publication and trade journal focusing on the UK
The Competitiveness Institute
The Competitiveness Institute (TCI) is a not-for-profit international alliance of cluster practitioners. TCI seeks to improve living standards and the local competitiveness of regions throughout the world by fostering cluster-based development initiatives. The Web site provides a wealth of information on sectoral cluster initiatives.
United Nations Industrial Development Organization
With responsibility for promoting industrialization throughout the developing world, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) generates and disseminates knowledge relating to industrial matters and provides a platform for the various actors in the public, private and civil society sectors to enhance cooperation. UNIDO designs and implements programs to support the industrial development efforts of its clients and offers tailor-made specialized support for program development. The site provides information on UNIDO’s SME Cluster/Network Development and Business Partnership program, and Business Incubators.
United States Agency for International Development Making Cities Work
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is a Federal government agency with a broad remit to support long-term equitable development in developing countries. USAID’s Office of Urban Programs works to reduce poverty, promote local economic development and urban prosperity in poor countries by helping cities and towns. The Making Cities Work program sponsors pilot activities to initiate sustainable, innovative, multi-sectoral, urban-oriented work in the developing world. The Web site contains extensive resource pages on Local Economic Development, Regional Economic Development and Urban Poverty.
United States Conference of Mayors
The United States Conference of Mayors (USCM) is an official non-partisan organization that represents 1,183 cities with populations of 30,000 or more. Each city is represented in the Conference by its chief elected official, the mayor. The USCM seeks to promote the development of effective national urban/suburban policy, strengthen federal-city relationships, provide mayors with leadership and management tools and create a forum in which mayors can share ideas and information. This Web site contains a USCM Best Practice Database search engine that contains local economic development tools. It also contains information on the CitiesFirst® initiative, a national community revitalization partnership.
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