development” and states that to facilitate the implementation of multi-dimensional and cross-sectoral interventions, the Commission proposes to strengthen community-led initiatives, facilitate the implementation of integrated local development strategies and formation of local action groups, based on the experience of the LEADER approach.
The full texts of the EC proposals for the ESF, ERDF, EARDF and other funds can be found at:
A major debate on how to translate the CLLD idea into practice is going on.
A new Commission Staff Working Document Elements for a Common Strategic Framework 2014 to 2020 – Parts I & II was published on 14 March 2012 SWD (2012) 61 final (cache) with proposals for coordinating the five EU funds, including the role of CLLD as a mechanism for integrated approaches.
However, there is a growing concern that there is little tangible progress and insufficient stakeholder engagement outside the rural and fisheries policy areas. Many questions remain unanswered.
An attempt to address them based on LD experience is made is a new article by Paul Soto, with Melody Houk and Peter Ramsden Implementing ‘community-led’local development in cities: lessons from URBACT LINK (cache)
Moreover, there is a serious risk that they will be diluted by Member States when it comes to their implementation.
A number of European organisations and networks with a long experience and deep knowledge of local development are working together in order to present a joint position on CLLD to European, national and regional stakeholders on how to improve the provisions on CLLD at EU and MS levels, and how to go about preparing the implementation of CLLD in a way that overcomes past weaknesses.
To this end, a “draft statement” – Community-led local development: making it a success – has been prepared by a group of LDnet experts and has been put forward to all interested parties for their consideration and endorsement.
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