The European Evaluation Helpdesk for Rural Development has published guidelines on the evaluation of LEADER/CLLD. This is a non-binding document, which serves to complement the legal requirements relating to LEADER/CLLD evaluations. The document clarifies the common elements related to LEADER/CLLD evaluations and gives a wider set of recommendations on how to formulate and manage LEADER/CLLD evaluations, both at the RDP and LAG levels. The Guidelines are meant to be a hands-on guide for LEADER/CLLD evaluation stakeholders. They include step-by-step recommendations on the process and available methodologies for the evaluation of LEADER/CLLD.
The Guidelines are in four parts. Part 1 introduces LEADER/CLLD as part of the rural development policy and shows its links with other CLLD instruments financed by the ESI Funds. Part 2 explains the evaluation cycle at the RDP level and describes how to assess the contributions of LEADER/CLLD towards fulfilling the EU, national and RDP objectives. Part 3 provides recommendations for LAGs on how to conduct evaluation activities at the local level, and what support the MA, NRN and other stakeholders may provide to LAGs for this purpose. Part 4 contains a glossary.
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