Toby Johnson Senior adviser on community economic development, AEIDL Entrepreneurship means taking a risk, using one’s initiative, and it has a production element, involving the creation of a new product or service which is sold on the market. But you do not have to follow the ‘cowboy’ model of the entrepreneur, which implies reliance on […]
LDnet Articles
CLLD challenges: the urban, the social and the dinosaurs…
Haris Martinos Introduction The debate on local development and the preparations for “CLLD” (Community-led Local Development) in the 2014-2020 period moved forward with two workshops that took place in the week of 7 October 2013 in Brussels. The first workshop(cache) was organised by DG REGIO to discuss the draft guidelines on CLLD, which are being […]
Community-led local development: making it a success
This statement has been prepared by a group of LDnet experts and is supported by several European civil society organisations and networks with a long experience and deep knowledge of local development for their consideration and endorsement. Community-led local development: making it a success In this common statement, a number of European civil society […]
Leader evaluation in Czech Republic and Slovakia
Jela Tvrdonova The evaluation of rural development policies – in compliance with the EU Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework is the process of the assessment of the public and private funds intervention according its results, impacts and needs, which shall be satisfied. The evaluation deals with the effectiveness, efficiency and relevance of the intervention logic […]
The prospects of local development initiatives in the context of the current crisis and social transformations, in Catalonia
On July 7th 2011, 20 people involved in local development in Catalonia met and shared ideas and thoughts on the prospects of local development initiatives in the context of the current crisis and social transformations. The meeting was convened by “Territories & Organizations’” and took place in the Hotel Barcelona Princess in the city of […]
Perspectives of Civil Society in European Rural Development
Goran ŠOSTER Now more than ever, the perspectives of civil society in European rural development are dependent on the programmes of leading nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) and the ability to implement them. The majority of NGOs have come to the conclusion that they have to act in alliance with similar organisations from other countries. Different international […]
Impacts of the economic crisis on local economies
Jean-Pierre Pellegrin Several debates and studies have been devoted to this topic. 1. The OECD-LEED survey conducted in 2009 in 41 local economies (mostly large cites) gave a snapshot of the key negative and positive impacts of the global crisis on local economies and reviewed local economic actions that have been taken to respond to […]
Participatory evaluation of local development
Jela Tvrdonova The evaluation of rural development policies – in compliance with the EU Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework is the process of the assessment of the public and private funds intervention according its results, impacts and needs, which shall be satisfied. The evaluation deals with the effectiveness, efficiency and relevance of the intervention logic […]
Towards new ideas for the local development approach
Fernando Barreiro Public policies in the field of social and territorial cohesion should question the supposition that economic activities have always to be distributed in an homogeneous way to benefit the poor and vulnerable people, who live in marginal territories without economic growth. The pretension of distributing in the territory of a country economic growth […]
Cameron’s Big Society
Peter Ramsden What does UK Prime Minister Cameron’s “Big Society” mean in practice? On the left it is argued that the Big Society is simply a smokescreen for cuts in the public sector in general and local government in particular. on the right the Red Tory’s like Philip Blond – director of new Think Tank […]
Challenges for Local Development in Italy
Fiscal consolidation and structural reform – Regional / local disparities – Fiscal decentralisation and fiscal consolidation measures – Regional / local development initiatives. Fiscal consolidation and structural reform According to the new economic governance in the European Union (EU), Italy prepared its 2011 Stability Programme (for the period 2011 – 2014) and its 2011 […]