European Social Fund Actions to promote Local Employment Initiatives Spain (Andalusia): ATIPE (Integrated Territorial Plans for Employment) The Regional Authority of Andalusia and its Employment Department (Consejería de Empleo) created a specific instrument for the development of Integrated Territorial Plans for Employment, called « Actuaciones Territoriales Integrales Preferentes para el Empleo » (ATIPE). Nine local […]
LD Books & Studies
ESF Actions to promote Local Employment Initiatives Portugal: Red social (Social Network programme)
European Social Fund Actions to promote Local Employment Initiatives Portugal: Red social (Social Network programme) The case described here is the social network of the territory managed by the municipality of Viana do Castelo (NUTS 4) in the North of Portugal. AEIDL (February 2011) AEIDL is contracted by the European Commission in order to provide […]
ESF Actions to promote Local Employment Initiatives Hungary (West Pannon region): the REKORD project (Local Employment Agreement)
European Social Fund Actions to promote Local Employment Initiatives Hungary (West Pannon region): the REKORD project (Local Employment Agreement) The REKORD project received ESF support in order to network the 13 Local Employment Pacts on the West‐Transdanubian (aka West Pannon) region of Hungary. With a strong entrepreneurial base, the area struggles to maintain and develop […]
OECD LEED Programme
Created in the 1980s to help tackle unemployment, the LEED (Local Economic and Employment Development) is operated separately from OECD’s main activities funded by the Member States of OECD. LEED has regions and cities as its main members and operates at the sub national level. OECD LEED has identified themes, such as entrepreneurship, innovation and […]
ENRD: The Implementation of Leader Approach
Focus Group 1 of Leader Subcommittee, European Network for Rural Development (EN RD) 2010 The Implementation of Leader Approach Length of report: Extended Report (42 pages); Supplementary Report (37 pages) Abstract: The ENRD Leader subcommittee Focus Group “on the Implementation of the bottom-up approach” prepared two reports on “the Implementation of the Leader Approach” in […]
Le manque de régionalisation perdure en France
Interview with Marjorie Jouen – in French – about Cohesion policies over the last 20 years, based on her book on La politique européenne de cohésion
Cohesion policy support for local development
COHESION POLICY SUPPORT FOR LOCAL DEVELOPMENT: BEST PRACTICE AND FUTURE POLICY OPTIONS ADETEF Study Marjorie Jouen, Head of the project (ADETEF, Notre Europe) Katalin Kolosy, Head of project (AEIDL) Jean-Pierre Pellegrin, senior expert (AEIDL) Peter Ramsden, senior expert (AEIDL) Péter Szegvari, Senior expert (City Consult) Nadège Chambon, Junior expert (Notre Europe)
1 – Documents depuis 1998 2 – Site de travail depuis 2009 dans un partenariat avec ALOE (Alliance pour une Economie Responsable Plurielle et Solidaire) accessible en français, anglais, espagnol : Principales références 1998 : Manifeste fondateur 2001 : Dossier d’expériences : Des alliances pour des territoires innovants et solidaires 2004 : Cahier des […]
John M. Bryden: Local Development
John M. Bryden 2010 Local Development, ch 23 in “The Human Economy, A Citizen’s Guide”, Edited by K. Hart. J.L. Laville and A.D. Cattani, Polity Press, Cambridge, UK, 2010 Publication Type: book Length: pp 248-260 Abstract: The paper discusses the emergence of local development in two largely unrelated ways – opposition to growing state power […]
Robert Putnam: Social capital
Putnam, R.D., R. Leonardi and R.Y. Nanetti 1993 Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy Princeton University Press Length of book: 1-249 Abstract: Major impetus for the policy interest in social capital came from the publication of the work of Putnam et al (1993) on civic traditions in modern Italy. The concept of social […]
David Birch: The Job Generation Process
David Birch, 1979 The Job Generation Process Journal: MIT Program on Neighborhood and Regional Change vol 302 pp Abstract: This statistical report on the behavior of individual firms assesses how changes in employment and regional growth occur. A longitudinal file is developed for 5.6 million business establishments, used the Dun & Bradstreet Corporation data for […]