1 – Documents depuis 1998 2 – Site de travail depuis 2009 dans un partenariat avec ALOE (Alliance pour une Economie Responsable Plurielle et Solidaire) accessible en français, anglais, espagnol : Principales références 1998 : Manifeste fondateur http://pactes-locaux.org/bdf/docs/bip-3619-1_manifeste_pactes_locaux.pdf 2001 : Dossier d’expériences : Des alliances pour des territoires innovants et solidaires 2004 : Cahier des […]
Le manque de régionalisation perdure en France
Interview with Marjorie Jouen – in French – about Cohesion policies over the last 20 years, based on her book on La politique européenne de cohésion
Perspectives of Civil Society in European Rural Development
Goran ŠOSTER Now more than ever, the perspectives of civil society in European rural development are dependent on the programmes of leading nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) and the ability to implement them. The majority of NGOs have come to the conclusion that they have to act in alliance with similar organisations from other countries. Different international […]
Towards new ideas for the local development approach
Fernando Barreiro Public policies in the field of social and territorial cohesion should question the supposition that economic activities have always to be distributed in an homogeneous way to benefit the poor and vulnerable people, who live in marginal territories without economic growth. The pretension of distributing in the territory of a country economic growth […]
The prospects of local development initiatives in the context of the current crisis and social transformations, in Catalonia
On July 7th 2011, 20 people involved in local development in Catalonia met and shared ideas and thoughts on the prospects of local development initiatives in the context of the current crisis and social transformations. The meeting was convened by “Territories & Organizations’” and took place in the Hotel Barcelona Princess in the city of […]
Obama Administration Launches Strong Cities, Strong Communities to Support Local Development
In July 2011, the Obama Administration launched Strong Cities, Strong Communities (SC2), a new and customized pilot initiative to strengthen local capacity and spark economic growth in local communities while ensuring taxpayer dollars are used wisely and efficiently. To accomplish this, federal agencies will provide experienced staff to work directly with six cities: Chester, PA; […]
Bibliography on community development
| Bibliography community development The renewal of community development and community economic development, in countries such as the UK, Ireland and the Nordic countries had the same origin as Local Employment Initiatives and endogenous development action or, in some countries with social economy and local inclusion initiatives. It has been subject to research, surveys and […]
CLLD first appeared in EU speak in the common provisions regulation. It builds on LEADER type approaches that have also been pursued in the Fisheries programmes since 2007 and supported under the FARNET programme. Within the Structural Funds, the Community economic development approach was rolled out in UK Objective 1 and 2 programmes between 1994 […]
The LEDA, Local Employment Development Action programme, was an EU funded action research programme. It operated from 1986 to 1996. LEDA supported different types of local areas (rural/underdeveloped, urban/industrial decline) to develop their own responses to employment and economic development challenges, by providing international and (through small grants) local expertise and animation support, and by promoting the exchange […]
Community entrepreneurship for local development
Toby Johnson Senior adviser on community economic development, AEIDL March 2012 Entrepreneurship means taking a risk, using one’s initiative, and it has a production element, involving the creation of a new product or service which is sold on the market. But you do not have to follow the ‘cowboy’ model of the entrepreneur, which implies […]
Council Conclusions Adopted Between 1993 and 1999
1993 At the Brussels summit on 10 and 11 December 1993, the heads of State and government endorsed the conclusions and recommendations of the White Paper. They included “‘developing employment in connection with meeting new requirements linked to the quality of life and protection of the environment”‘ in the list of measures to be undertaken […]
LDnet at Open Days 2012
Workshop Title: Community-led local development as a European movement Workshop date / time / venue: Tuesday 09 October 2012 11:15 – 13:00 CoR, Van Maerlant, VMA3 Workshop description: This workshop aims to demonstrate the deep foundations on which CLLD can build in both urban and rural areas. It will show how different local approaches and […]