Manuals and Handbooks DG Employment, LEDA Programme 1991 and1995 Practical Manual on Local Employment and Economic Development(published in 14 languages) DG Employment, IDELE, 2002-2004.Practical Handbook on Developing Local Development Strategies During the 80s & 90s, such manuals were complemented by local development agents and practitioners’ exchange of experiences and training courses funded by DG Employment […]
Glossary from urban study
Aim: Broad intention or overarching objective, usually to bring about positive change. Beneficiary: an operator, body or firm, whether public or private, responsible for initiating or initiating and implementing operations. In the context of aid schemes under Article 87 of the Treaty, beneficiaries are public or private firms carrying out an individual project and receiving […]
Pactes Locaux
Une volonté d’intelligence collective entre promoteurs d’expériences locales ou régionales d’organisation des solidarités. Parti en 1996 d’un diagnostic partagé, nourri d’une cinquantaine d’expériences locales, le Collectif des Pactes Locaux se constitue en 1998, avec le soutien de la Fondation pour le Progrès de l’Homme. Son existence a progressivement ouvert un espace national de débat sur […]
ESF Actions to promote Local Employment Initiatives: final synthesis report
European Social Fund Actions to promote Local Employment Initiatives: final synthesis report (February 2011) Within its technical assistance to the European Social Fund’s strands on Transnational Cooperation and Innovation, DG EMPL assigned AEIDL to examine how Local Employment Initiatives have been supported by ESF over the last ten years. A synthesis report was the final […]
LEADER good practices
A sophisticated searchable database of LEADER good practices has been created under LEADER Plus (2000-2006) and is still alive and kicking
LEADER guides: creating a territorial development strategy & global competitiveness
Global competitiveness of rural areas: Creating a territorial development strategy in the light of the LEADER experience “RURAL INNOVATION” DOSSIER N°6 – PART 5 LEADER EUROPEAN OBSERVATORY FEBRUARY 2001
FAO handbook for training in participatory local development
Handbook for training in participatory local development The Panchayati Raj model in India S.P. Jain & Wim Polman Second edition
CLES handbooks
The Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES) is an independent think-tank and membership network of subscribing organizations (mostly local authorities) involved in local development, economic development and regeneration activities, and local governance. CLES combines LED Policy Development with an Information and Briefing Service. CLES and CLES Consulting utilise a wide range of tools in their […]
Social Innovation programme replaces Progress
Background The EU PROGRESS programme supports and disseminates comparative analytical information in the field of employment, facilitates information sharing and dialogue, provides policy makers and implementers with financial support, to test social and labour market policy reforms. It also supports the implementation of the EU legislation in the field of employment, social policy and working […]
LEDA Programme
The LEDA Local Employment Development Action programme was an EU funded action learning programme in the 1980s and 1990s. Started in 1986 involving 12 areas, it expanded to a Europe-wide network of 45 local areas by the tme of its completion in 1996. The programme had a focus on local employment actions with the idea […]
Court of Auditors report on LEADER
The European Court of Auditors produced a report on the LEADER Special Report No 5/2010 — Implementation of the Leader approach for rural development EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I. Leader is a method to achieve the objectives of the EU’s rural development policy through bottom-up implementation rather than the traditional top-down approach. Compared with traditional methods of […]
LEADER The local development programme for rural areas. LEADER is a European Commission initiative to support the development of rural areas across the European Union (EU). First introduced in 1991, it is designed to complement other rural development programmes. There have been three ‘rounds’ of LEADER as a programme in its own right: LEADER I […]