Despite the unfortunate use of the word sustainment (let’s hope that one does not catch on), this is a useful account by the North Rhine Westphalia government of their Social Cities approach to disadvantaged neighbourhoods. In German on facing pages.
Archives for 2016
The RegGov project: final report
RegGov: Regional Governance of Sustainable Integrated Development of DeprivedUrban Areas Integrated approaches to the development of deprived urban neighbourhoods have proved to be successful in many of the old EU Member states over the last decades. However, good practice examples of how to develop, implement and fund such policies are rarely known at awider European […]
Notable practice in regeneration
Six case study examples of ‘holistic’ regeneration from the United Kingdom and Europe. For each of the six case studies, reports on the priorities of the programme, partnership working, management arrangements, outputs and outcomes, and the projects completed or underway. Bradford Trident New Deal for Communities; Castle Vale renewal (Birmingham); Manor and Castle regeneration (Sheffield); […]
LDnet | Local Development News
new! LDnet at Open Days 2016 LDnet’s workshop in this year’s European Week of Regions and Cities is on Achieving social inclusion in CLLD in the context of results-oriented policies. It takes place on Wednesday 12 October from 9:00 to 10:45 at the Committee of the Regions (Room JDE 70). A few places are still […]
LED case studies from World Bank
From the World Bank Website. These LED approaches and accompanying case studies were carried out under the World Bank Delta programme Republic of Korea Incheon Free Economic Zone Authority(cache) Created with the aim of improving the business enabling environment for foreign enterprises and workers, the Incheon Free Economic Zone is a specially designated area that […]
ESF Actions to promote Local Employment Initiatives: country review United Kingdom
This report focuses on the UK and its four constituent programmes for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (NI). The four national programmes in the UK operate independently of each other. Although there is a rich heritage in terms of local development and LEIs in the UK, there is no explicit mention of them in […]
ESF Actions to promote Local Employment Initiatives: country review Spain
In Spain, the devolution of powers for employment and social inclusion was completed during the past ESF programming period (it was completed by 2002). LEIs developed under the umbrella and in close relationship with place-based delivery mechanisms supported by other funds such as PRODER in rural areas, or regeneration policies in deprived urban areas. In […]
ESF Actions to promote Local Employment Initiatives: country review Germany
Since 2000, in all 26 German OPs, programmes and measures can be found, that address the local level in terms of employment, social cohesion and lifelong learning. For the previous period (2000-2006) mainly programmes which were based on the “Local Social Capital”-approach and local employment strategies, emerging from the TEP (“Territorial Employment Pacts”) initiative of […]
ESF Actions to promote Local Employment Initiatives: country review France
The tradition of a centralized employment policy in France did not favour a structured and consistent development of Local Initiatives in this field. The ESF intervention is “nationally driven”, reflecting this determining role of the State, despite a much regionalised delivery mechanism. Therefore, ESF support is concentrated in a single national Operational Programme (OP): Objective […]
ESF Actions to promote Local Employment Initiatives Sweden (Stockholm): the LIVSVAL project
European Social Fund Actions to promote Local Employment Initiatives Sweden (Stockholm): the LIVSVAL project Livsval (‘Life Choice’) is an example of an ESF ‘co-operation project’ managed by a partnership among state, local and third sector organisations in the Stockholm area. It runs for three years (2009-11) and is developing a model of integrated rehabilitation (MIRA) […]
ESF Actions to promote Local Employment Initiatives Spain (Andalusia): ATIPE (Integrated Territorial Plans for Employment)
European Social Fund Actions to promote Local Employment Initiatives Spain (Andalusia): ATIPE (Integrated Territorial Plans for Employment) The Regional Authority of Andalusia and its Employment Department (Consejería de Empleo) created a specific instrument for the development of Integrated Territorial Plans for Employment, called « Actuaciones Territoriales Integrales Preferentes para el Empleo » (ATIPE). Nine local […]
ESF Actions to promote Local Employment Initiatives Portugal: Red social (Social Network programme)
European Social Fund Actions to promote Local Employment Initiatives Portugal: Red social (Social Network programme) The case described here is the social network of the territory managed by the municipality of Viana do Castelo (NUTS 4) in the North of Portugal. AEIDL (February 2011) AEIDL is contracted by the European Commission in order to provide […]