| EURADA EURADA – European Association of Development Agencies is a non profit-making membership organization that aims to promote regional economic development through dialogue with the European Commission. It supports the exchange of good practice among Members and transnational co-operation between regional development agencies. EURADA has a membership of around 150 development agencies from 25 […]
Archives for 2016
LDnet | EMES
| EMES EMES : The European Research Network on Social Economy and Enterprises
LDnet | Writing your first LDnet page
Writing your first LDnet page So you have registered and signed in. You are good to go. Now start a page, any page (you can delete it later) Do this by giving your page a title in the search box and click edit. If your page already exists with this title a load of text […]
LDnet | LDnet first meeting February 2011
Launch of LDnet The launch event of LDnet was successfully held on 1st February 2011 in Brussels with fifty participants from various organisations involved in local development, including officials from five directorates-general of the European Commission. After the keynote speech by Graham Meadows, former director-general of DG REGIO, there was a lively discussion on the […]
LDnet | LDnet Privacy statement
LDnet will do everything possible to preserve the privacy of its members contact information;
LDnet | Defining Local Development
‘Local development’ is an important approach to regional development, rural development, social inclusion, and other policy fields. It applies to both urban and rural areas, is characterised by area-based strategies and the mobilisation of large numbers of local stakeholders, and is associated with long-term objectives and structural change, orientated towards sustainable development.
| FARNET The new Priority Axis 4 of the European Fisheries Fund (EFF(cache)) provides support for the sustainable development of fisheries areas. In particular, it supports measures to promote economic diversification (tourism, food, renewable energy..) and an improved quality of life in areas affected by a decline in fishing activities. An important innovation in the […]
LDnet | PLIE
| PLIE Plans Locaux d’Insertion pour l’Emploi A national French programme focusing on social inclusion through employment and developed at the local level. see example case from Idele http://www.uk.ecorys.com/idele/themes/oldindustrial/studies/lille_plie_mission.pdf
LDnet | Organizer
Organizer Browse Category Move objects between categories Click on the category name you want to list. The list of objects in that category will become visible. Select the objects you want to affect. Controls will appear in the category browser. Use the plus and minus signs to add or remove the categories on selected objects.
LDnet | France: ERDF contribution to rural areas 2000-2010 (French)
France: ERDF contribution to rural areas 2000-2010 (French) This synthesis document is the result of a study led by French consultancies (EDATER and SEGESA) for DATAR in 2010. It shows – among other things – how ERDF is reaching out very remote areas, under the condition of sufficient local capacity building (local strategy, technical engineering, […]
LDnet | France: ERDF contribution to rural areas 2000-2010 (English)
France: ERDF contribution to rural areas 2000-2010 (English) This synthesis document is the result of a study led by French consultancies (EDATER and SEGESA) for DATAR in 2010. It shows – among other things – how ERDF is reaching out very remote areas, under the condition of sufficient local capacity building (local strategy, technical engineering, […]
ESF Actions to promote Local Employment Initiatives: final synthesis report
European Social Fund Actions to promote Local Employment Initiatives: final synthesis report (February 2011) Within its technical assistance to the European Social Fund’s strands on Transnational Cooperation and Innovation, DG EMPL assigned AEIDL to examine how Local Employment Initiatives have been supported by ESF over the last ten years. A synthesis report was the final […]