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LDnet | Territorial Cohesion
Territorial Cohesion is a European Union concept which builds on the European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP). The main idea of territorial cohesion is to contribute to European sustainable development and competitiveness. It is intended to strengthen the European regions, promote territorial integration and produce coherence of European Union (EU) policies so as to contribute to […]
Glossary from urban study
Aim: Broad intention or overarching objective, usually to bring about positive change. Beneficiary: an operator, body or firm, whether public or private, responsible for initiating or initiating and implementing operations. In the context of aid schemes under Article 87 of the Treaty, beneficiaries are public or private firms carrying out an individual project and receiving […]
LDnet | World Bank Local Economic Development
The World Bank launched a programme of Local Economic Development through its partly owned subsidiary IFC (international Finance Corporation) in the early 2000s. The initial programme was called DELTA and was informed by Gwen Swinburne who had worked in Hull on local economic development before joining the World Bank. Their approach was to build up […]
LDnet | World Bank
Publications World Bank (2000). Cities in Transition: World Bank Urban and Local Government Strategy. The World Bank published a comprehensive strategy document to gear its assistance towards achieving the objectives of reducing poverty, promoting broad-based growth, protecting the environment, and supporting effective institutions. Achieving these objectives requires a closer working relationship with the local governments […]
LDnet | Social Polis
EU 7th Framework Programme project bringing together practitioners and academics See also for a previous project involving some of the same people (Moulaert etc)
Pactes Locaux
Une volonté d’intelligence collective entre promoteurs d’expériences locales ou régionales d’organisation des solidarités. Parti en 1996 d’un diagnostic partagé, nourri d’une cinquantaine d’expériences locales, le Collectif des Pactes Locaux se constitue en 1998, avec le soutien de la Fondation pour le Progrès de l’Homme. Son existence a progressivement ouvert un espace national de débat sur […]
LDnet | Miscellaneous organisations
The Association of Cambodian Local Economic Development Agencies (ACLEDA) is an independent Cambodian non-government organization that promotes a range of LED programs and initiatives through provincial branches and district offices. ACLEDA supports training in entrepreneurship and small business management, the establishment of neighborhood and village banks, and technical consultancy and credit for medium size enterprises. […]
LDnet | ILO International Labour Organisation
ILO has a website called LED knowledge that is interactive and catalogues work in this field; see,75(cache). ILO also backs the website that brings together people working on social inclusion
| GREMI GREMI: The European Network of Innovative Milieu on SMEs, no websites survive, but they are referred to in many books on flexible specialisation
| EURONET EURONET: The European Network for Economic Self Help and Local Development consultants based at University of the West of England European Group for Local Employment Initiatives. EGLEI was a network active in the 1990s. There are no active websites, but contributors are invited to add any publications that are known about.