| IDELE IDELE DG Employment research programme managed by ecorys produced a series of useful reports most of them written by Peter Lloyd and also Francesca Froy. They mostly date from 2004 IDELE thematic report series Old industrial and mining areas: the added value of local employment development (Seminar 1: Lille, France) http://www.uk.ecorys.com/idele/themes/oldindustrial/resources/idele_summary_report_oldindustrial.pdf The Metropolitan […]
Archives for September 2016
LDnet | Summary of the LDnet Workshop
There were many workshops on CLLD in this year’s OPEN DAYS. The LDnet workshop had three distinguishing features in aiming to illustrate local development in action in both urban and rural areas; both past and the present challenges: how different local approaches were conceived and evolved over many years; under various EU and national policies […]
LDnet | Citizen participation and community-led local development
LDnet workshop at Open Days 2013 (Ref: 09C19) This workshop will present practical experiences in tackling issues and finding solutions in urban areas with a jobs and enterprise, environmental and community services dimension. It will focus on citizen engagement in local development to help address the serious challenges now facing cities in the prolonged economic […]
LDnet | CLLD at Open Days 2012
This year’s Open Days were full to brimming with CLLD. In addition to LDnet’s “Community-led local development as a European movement” (09A10) and the URBACT (10A01) and social innovation (10A18) workshops referred to below, it was available in 12 other flavours: LEADER – ELARD (09A02), CCMR (09A14), disaster resilience & climate change adaptation (10A02), LUDEN […]
LDnet | Fernando Barreiro
User Information English British (en-uk) Last login:
LDnet | Category FARNET
Category FARNET the EU exchange programme for linking Fisheries Local Action Groups
LDnet | Category LDnet FAQ
Category LDnet FAQ This category contains pages about LDnet the Local Development Network
LDnet | Towards a Framework on Capacity Building for CLLD
An outline paper to provide a common framework for the LDnet working groups on capacity building. Framework_Paper_key points_v2.pdf
LDnet | Polish Network of LAGs supports the statement on CLLD : CLLD Community Led Local Development
CLLD Community Led Local Development Polish Network of LAGs supports the statement on CLLD Published by Haris Martinos on 2012-07-22 Dear Sirs, The Polish Network of LAGs – the Federation of regional networks of LAGs in Poland is a union of associations. The members are 15 of regional networks of Local Action Groups representing about […]
LDnet | “CLLD Declaration” : CLLD Community Led Local Development
CLLD Community Led Local Development “CLLD Declaration” Published by Haris Martinos on 2012-06-18 A statement entitled Community-led local development: making it a success has been prepared by a group of LDnet experts and is supported by several organisations and networks with a long experience and deep knowledge of local development. Comments and statements of support […]
Bibliography on local development manuals and handbooks
Manuals and Handbooks DG Employment, LEDA Programme 1991 and1995 Practical Manual on Local Employment and Economic Development(published in 14 languages) DG Employment, IDELE, 2002-2004.Practical Handbook on Developing Local Development Strategies During the 80s & 90s, such manuals were complemented by local development agents and practitioners’ exchange of experiences and training courses funded by DG Employment […]
LDnet | Promising initiatives
For the conference it will organise on 19-20 February 2014 to celebrate its 25th anniversary, AEIDL is looking for information on “promising initiatives” – innovative projects, actions, approaches, systems, etc. from the “field” – which open positive prospects for the region and the communities. We thank those who have provided us with proposals in response […]