Workshop Title: Community-led local development as a European movement Workshop date / time / venue: Tuesday 09 October 2012 11:15 – 13:00 CoR, Van Maerlant, VMA3 Workshop description: This workshop aims to demonstrate the deep foundations on which CLLD can build in both urban and rural areas. It will show how different local approaches and […]
Archives for 2012
John M. Bryden: Local Development
John M. Bryden 2010 Local Development, ch 23 in “The Human Economy, A Citizen’s Guide”, Edited by K. Hart. J.L. Laville and A.D. Cattani, Polity Press, Cambridge, UK, 2010 Publication Type: book Length: pp 248-260 Abstract: The paper discusses the emergence of local development in two largely unrelated ways – opposition to growing state power […]
Robert Putnam: Social capital
Putnam, R.D., R. Leonardi and R.Y. Nanetti 1993 Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy Princeton University Press Length of book: 1-249 Abstract: Major impetus for the policy interest in social capital came from the publication of the work of Putnam et al (1993) on civic traditions in modern Italy. The concept of social […]
David Birch: The Job Generation Process
David Birch, 1979 The Job Generation Process Journal: MIT Program on Neighborhood and Regional Change vol 302 pp Abstract: This statistical report on the behavior of individual firms assesses how changes in employment and regional growth occur. A longitudinal file is developed for 5.6 million business establishments, used the Dun & Bradstreet Corporation data for […]